Right on schedule...
Hat tip to Drudge Report via Vulture's Row.
Is there anything the Loony Left doesn't blame on this guy?
Sat Oct 30 2004 16:31:19 ET
Former CBSNEWS anchorman Walter Cronkite believes Bush adviser Karl Rove is possibly behind the new Bin Laden tape.
Cronkite made the startling comments late Friday during an interview on CNN.
Somewhat smiling, Cronkite said he is "inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."
Interviewer Larry King did not ask Cronkite to elaborate on the provocative election eve observation.
Tammy Bruce speaks up - again
Tammy's piece is so well done that there is very little than I can add to this.
Why Democrats Should Vote for Bush
Tammy Bruce
Friday, Oct. 29, 2004
As a Democrat and a pro-choice feminist, it’s time for me to explain why I support the president, and why other thoughtful Democrats should join me in doing so.
I can’t tell you how many e-mails I’ve received from other Democrats either condemning me for not toeing the line, while others write who are genuinely curious, after all the hate-mongering and demonizing of Republicans and the president specifically, they hope I can ease their fears about what their inclination to vote for the president means about them.
The simple answer? It means you’re a confident liberal, a thoughtful person who realizes that game of party loyalty takes a back seat to the safety of your family and this nation.
It also means you take the slogans of “choice” and “radical individualism” seriously. Isn’t it ironic that there’s nothing more radically individual these days than a liberal who doesn’t conform?
For me, Authentic Feminism is rooted in making it possible for people to make the choices that best suit them.
If you have recognized the weakness of John Kerry, and know in your heart a vote for the president is the right thing to do, join me and do it! It can be done with a clear conscience as you embrace the radical individual inside you that attracted you to liberal causes in the first place.
Because some things simply transcend party lines, when in front of that Early Voting touch screen, I stood there as an American first, and voted for George W. Bush. This nation, our lives, and the lives our children require nothing less.
I explain to detractors and supporters alike that President Bush is the man who will keep this nation safest.
The president and I hold dramatically divergent views on a number of social issues of importance to me, and yet for the 3,000 people who died on September 11th, abortion rights and same-sex civil unions mean absolutely nothing to them now.
These issues, while important to me and ones on which I will continue to speak out about, are luxuries in the face of a world war where the enemy is a stateless savage who hunts children and cuts off people’s heads.
We have a responsibility to leave this nation as great as it is to the next generation.
We all know, and must reflect on, the fact that the joy we have in our lives today is due to the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of other Americans who died fighting for this country. Those soldiers did not die because they were promised 72 virgins in the afterlife, they fought not for themselves — they died in the most noble of American causes — so future generations — us — could live in freedom.
I do not take that action for granted, and I have learned that generosity of spirit and commitment to freedom is inherent in each of us, and a duty we cannot shirk.
Those of you with children have a more immediate concern, which is the literal safety of the light of your life.
That little face looks up at you as you tuck her in, and sleeps gently knowing that Mommy and Daddy are there.
That same face stares at you in the morning, with a heart full of hope, limited only by her imagination because you confront, for her, the harsh realities of every day. And these days it’s not just about making a living, it’s about the Beslan school massacre, it’s a new al-Qaida tape threatening Americans at home, it’s about war and mad savages who have specifically targeted children.
I voted for President Bush because having a Pacifist Internationalist in the White House will only embolden those who salivate at the sight of our blood.
Having a man in the White House who stands for nothing will only excite Islamic Fascists who revel in torture and the cutting off of heads. I do not want a man in the White House who is so cold, when asked by a New York Times reporter how September 11th changed him, answers “It didn’t change me much at all.”
While I know a Bush presidency makes my work as a feminist more complicated and demanding, I will love and be grateful for every day I have the luxury of working on those issues. And frankly, it’s not necessarily a bad thing to have a president who encourages social activism on issues.
Liberals make the mistake of thinking a Democrat president is indeed Daddy, who can be trusted in all things. Apathy soon follows that false comfort.
Bill Clinton showed us the decline of the Democratic Party into a gang spouting slogans to make women, gays and blacks feel Daddy was in the house, to our grave regret. What did we get? A sexual compulsive who put Monica Lewinsky on her knees instead of cutting bin Laden off at his.
Yes, there were plenty of Democrats, feminists, gays and blacks in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on those fateful flights. I’m sure you would agree that in their last moments their literal lives were more important to them than party affiliation.
I want a president who will be strongest making sure tomorrow comes, that this nation not just survives, but emerges from this war like the others we have fought, in a world that has been transformed for the better. I want a president who understands this is war, not a “nuisance.”
I know George Bush has made many in the world angry, and frankly, I am dismayed at the hard feelings. A recent poll of Europeans revealed their general belief that Bush has made the world a more dangerous place.
Upon hearing that, I remind myself of the time President Reagan increased arms production and installed more Pershing Missiles in Europe as we faced down the Soviet Union.
President Reagan grappled with European polls, anger and resentment, all of which evaporated when the Soviet regime collapsed.
Yes, they hated Reagan, but he plodded on, never swayed by those polls or made doubtful by others’ hatred. His resolve freed Europe from the shadow of a bear which had no mercy and the blood of tens of millions on its paws.
As a man of faith with a love of this country, Reagan stayed the course, and did what he knew had to be done. He was a leader, and I’m proud to say, one that only America could deliver.
Today, President Bush faces the same polls, the same anger, and the same resentment as he, too, recognizes and engages a rabid enemy of civilization, Islamo-Fascists.
Europeans felt Reagan was leading them to Armageddon, as they now insist Bush is doing. We can’t know what it’s like for Europeans to see such a young nation doing so many things, but one thing Europe will find, again, is that while we may be wild, young and even cowboys on occasion, we have a pretty good track record of making the world a safer and better place.
With George W. Bush at the helm, this time will be no different.
I voted for President Bush because he has freed 50 million people, 25 million of which are women and girls. The feminist establishment, in a shameful exhibit of their hypocrisy, has ignored that fact.
As a feminist, I thank the president with my vote, in solidarity with the millions of Afghan and Iraqi women who now, courtesy of the president and our astounding military, finally have hope, liberty and freedom.
Like all of our presidents, George W. Bush is quintessentially an American. He’s a Cowboy. A Texan. He will never be mistaken for a Frenchman. He’s a Yalie. He’s a man of faith, a husband and father. He’s a man who has fought with and overcome addiction. He’s a man of strength and character.
And while he is also wrong on some issues, if I have to work harder on social issues, I want it to be against a man whom I can admire, who I know, despite our disagreements, honors me in his work to keep this nation free and great.
For those of you who are Democrats and liberals — and I know through my years as a leader in left wing causes, including feminist and gay activism — we all have gone through a sort of conditioning that makes dissent or difference a frightening prospect.
Republicans and conservatives have been decidedly demonized in your circle—perhaps by your own friends and family.
Let me tell you this - voting for the President does not change who you are or what you stand for. I stand for the classical liberal concepts of personal liberty and individualism, and have spent a great deal of my adult life working for those causes. I have found that “Choice” and “Individualism” are only slogans if you never act on them. Sometimes being yourself means straying from the expected, standing apart from your crowd.
November 2nd is a good a day to be a Democrat who’s an American first.
For more information please visit www.tammybruce.com
E-mail Tammy Bruce at heytammybruce@yahoo.com.
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Quote of the Day
"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide."
-Ayn Rand
My advice...
...to the asshat who's been spamming my email box with idiotic tripe:
October Surprise?
Of all the things that the Democrats can use as ammo against Bush, they choose this as their October Surprise?
Dear Mr. Arafat
Normally, I wouldn't wish death upon anyone (serious harm, maybe, but rarely death,) but in your case, I'll make an exception.
Die, already. You'd be doing the world a tremendous favor.
Exercising political "expression" or "oppression?"
Now, *this* is funny.
Today in Dallas, a Texas judge threw a send off party to a recently-captured fugitive as she sentenced him to life in prison.
LOTR as told by Michael Moore
Looks like I picked the wrong day...
Stolen Honor - a must see
Download this video. (Right-click -> Save Target As.) Then watch it - all of it. I just did, and my contempt for an already contemptable "man" has increased exponentially.
British rag "apologizes" for assassination call
This is a followup to a post made yesterday on Vulture's Row.
Screen Burn, The Guide
Sunday October 24, 2004
The Guardian
The final sentence of a column in The Guide on Saturday caused offence to some readers. The Guardian associates itself with the following statement from the writer.
"Charlie Brooker apologises for any offence caused by his comments relating to President Bush in his TV column, Screen Burn. The views expressed in this column are not those of the Guardian. Although flippant and tasteless, his closing comments were intended as an ironic joke, not as a call to action - an intention he believed regular readers of his humorous column would understand. He deplores violence of any kind."
Read it here.
Allow me to be the first to throw down the "BS" flag on this one. Al Ghardian has been on the attack against President Bush since the day he entered office. By running the article that called for Bush's assassination, Al Ghardian put its Seal od Approval on Charlie Booker's column. Al Ghardian has also been attempting to meddle in this years election by orchestrating a letter writing campaign to the residents of Clark County, Ohio urging them to vote for Hanoi John Kerry. The call to violence by Mr. Booker only shows the contempt the Left-wing tyrants of the world have for the US electoral process.
America! F**k, Yeah!
I went to see Team America this evening with some friends. I swear to you that I have not laughed so hard in a theater in an incredibly long ass time.
If you love low-down humor, and would love to see a fat socialist weasel self-destruct, Susan Sarandon get her head blown off, and Sean Penn get eaten by vicious cats, then go see this movie. Take your friends. Take your family. Well, ok...leave the kids at home. There's some rather graphic puppet sex and a vomit scene worthy of Monty Python.
The music is absolutely classic, with songs such as "Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you," "America! F**k, yeah!," "I'm so ronery," and "You are worffress Arek Bal'win" (the last two sung by Kim Jong Il.)
...The Astros get down to the wire, then choke worse than Mama Cass Elliot.
Red Sox win over Yankees
10-3 final in Game 7 and move on the the World Series.
Now imagine if Houston won tomorrow against St. Louis. Houston vs. Boston sound familiar to anyone?
I shall file this under "No Shit, Sherlock"
Onward to game 7
The St. Louis Cardinals won Game 6 in the 12th inning, so there's going to be a Game 7 to determine if it's the Cardinals or the Astros who go on the the World Series.
Thank you, Mr. Carter...
... for reminding us why your administration was one of the worst in American history.
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you the question about—this is going to cause some trouble with people—but as an historian now and studying the Revolutionary War as it was fought out in the South in those last years of the War, insurgency against a powerful British force, do you see any parallels between the fighting that we did on our side and the fighting that is going on in Iraq today?
CARTER: Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war.
Just a spoon full of sugar...
...helps the vote fraud go down.
Oh, wait. That ain't sugar he's using.
Voter fraud case traced to Defiance County registrations volunteer
124 registrations falsified, allegedly for crack cocaine
Mary Poppins. Jeffrey Dahmer. Janet Jackson. Chad Staton.
Defiance County elections officials were confident the first three hadn't moved to their small community. But the fourth one lived there, and - in exchange for crack cocaine - tried to falsely submit the first three names and more than 100 others onto the county's voter registration rolls, police said.
Now Mr. Staton, 22, of Defiance, faces a felony charge of false registration in a case that has quickly gained national attention as part of a hotly contested presidential battle that's attracted a flurry of new voter registrations across the country - and a flurry of complaints of voter registration fraud.
Defiance County Sheriff David Westrick said that Mr. Staton was working on behalf of a Toledo woman, Georgianne Pitts, to register new voters. She, in turn, was working on behalf of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which was formed by the NAACP in 2000 to register new voters.
Sheriff Westrick said that Pitts, 41, of Toledo, admitted she gave Mr. Staton crack cocaine in lieu of cash for supplying her with completed voter registration forms. The sheriff declined to say how much crack cocaine Pitts supplied Mr. Staton, or to say whether Pitts knew that the forms Mr. Staton gave her were falsified.
Read the rest here.
We all know which party the NAACP supports, right?
"Sinclair Smear?"
The Loony Left is calling an anti-Kerry dcoumentary to be a "smear job." Let's look at why:
Sinclair Smear: Right-Wing Film Strafing Kerry
by Robert Sam Anson
The war thought safely over bit John Kerry anew this week, just when he was beginning to nudge ahead in the polls. And, boy, did it bite deep.
Yes, dear reader, Vietnam is back. Again? Afraid so. And if you thought the Swift boat stuff was awful, brace yourself: This is worse.
Unless decency or the F.C.C. intervenes (neither likely), you’ll be getting increasingly mouth-watering glimpses on your favorite cable news channel between now and a few days before the election. That’s when the Sinclair Broadcast Group (the right-wing corporation that’s the nation’s largest owner of television stations, with 62 NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, UPN and WB outlets in its portfolio) pre-empts its prime-time schedule to lay out the whole Brobdingnagian feast: a 42-minute documentary produced by prize-winning journalist Carlton Sherwood entitled Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal.
Its subject: John Kerry’s 1971 anti-war activities, and their alleged impact on then-captive U.S. P.O.W.’s
Its stars: Former, very bitter, very vocal residents of the Hanoi Hilton....
Read the rest here
Let's look at this part again, shall we:
Its stars: Former, very bitter, very vocal residents of the Hanoi Hilton....
Yes, Dear Readers, you read that correctly.
Now, I wonder, exactly why would these people be "very bitter, very vocal" against John Kerry? Could it be Hanoi John's Winter Soldier "testimony" was used against them by their captors? Could it be that Hanoi John sold out his "Band of Brothers" for his own political gain?
For the life of me, I can't see any reason why these "former, very bitter, very vocal residents of the Hanoi Hilton" could possibly be upset with him.
Also, exactly how much media attention has Michael Moore's attempt to have his thoroughly debunked smear job against Bush aired on television gotten?
I thought so.
New Blog
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the newest member to the Blogosphere Vulture's Row. Go there. Now. Or face my wrath.
Dems new ad
It seems Democrats are starting to become unhinged. I fully expect the US Secret Service to investigate this ad in the very near future.
Benny Hinn for President!
Hat tip to Matt Drudge.
"When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk. Get up out of that wheelchair and walk again."
-John Edwards
Yesterday, John-Boy Edwards stated that Kerry will make the lame whole and the crippled walk. So now we're expected to believe that John Kerry has the same mystical powers attributed to the Messiah - assuming one believes in the Bible. Hell, as a non-Christian, I don't believe for an instant that Christ did any of the above, so how can I expect some half-assed political hack to be able to accomplish the same feats?
Of course, the Democratic Party, will bend knee and worship this clown. It seems, that as we get closer to Nov. 2, logic is getting thrown out the tenth-story window. The Dems aren't the only ones doing it, either. There are a few right-wing nutters who think Bush is just short of the Second Coming.
RIP Superman
Actor Christopher Reeve Dies of Heart Failure.
6 minutes ago Top Stories - Reuters
By Chris Michaud
NEW YORK (Reuters) - "Superman" actor Christopher Reeve, paralyzed when he fell from a horse nine years ago, has died in a New York hospital of heart failure, his publicist said on Monday.
Reeve, 52, went into a coma on Saturday when he suffered a heart attack during treatment for an infected pressure wound and died in hospital on Sunday afternoon without regaining consciousness, publicist Wesley Combs told reporters.
Reeve's wife Dana issued a statement thanking "the millions of fans around the world who have supported and loved my husband over the years."
Reeve, confined to a wheelchair since his riding accident in 1995, had in recent years campaigned for the rights of the disabled and for stepped-up research into the treatment of spinal cord injuries.
An accomplished rider who owned several horses, Reeve suffered multiple injuries including two shattered neck vertebrae when he was thrown from his horse at an equestrian event in Commonwealth Park in Virginia.
Born on Sept. 25, 1952, in New York City, where he continued to live as an adult, Reeve was a prototypical handsome leading man on stage and screen.
The son of an English professor and his journalist wife, Reeve attended the Julliard school in New York City and graduated from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.
He began his acting career in summer stock and appeared on the television soap opera "Love of Life" while still in college.
Reeve debuted on Broadway in "A Matter of Gravity" in 1976, playing Katharine Hepburn's grandson, and later starred in Lanford Wilson's "Fifth of July," in which he portrayed embittered Kenneth Talley, a gay, crippled Vietnam War vet.
Despite his theater credentials and work on television, Reeve is best known as the hero of the "Superman" films.
He was a virtual unknown when he was chosen from 200 candidates to become the big screen's incarnation of 1978's "Superman," in which he played fumbling Clark Kent who at will turns into the flying superhero.
In 1993 he appeared in the Merchant and Ivory hit "The Remains of the Day," which was filmed in the English countryside.
But even there, it was hard to shrug off his superhero image.
"It is very strange to walk into the House and Hound, some pub from the 15th century in the middle of Wilshire someplace, then -- 'Aye, it's Superman, here he comes!"' he said in an 1993 interview on Cable News Network.
Earlier movies include "Gray Lady Down," "Somewhere in Time," "Switching Channels," "The Bostonians" and "Deathtrap."
Reeve's family asked that donations be made in his honor to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, formed in 1999 to boost collaboration between experts working on treatments for spinal cord injuries.
Ok, folks, I'm moved into my new apartment and got the internet connection up and running. I can now resume inflicing my opinions upon the unsuspecting masses from home unabated.
What's the deal with this clown and football?
House kills Charles Rangel's (D-NY) draft bill
House Crushes Military Draft Bill
48 minutes ago Politics - Reuters
By Vicki Allen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives on Tuesday crushed a bill to reinstitute the draft as Republicans accused Democrats of raising the specter of compulsory military service to turn voters against President Bush (news - web sites)'s reelection bid.
After a bitter debate on Bush's handling of Iraq (news - web sites), the House killed the bill 402-2 as Republicans sought to stamp out rumors of an impending draft that have swept college campuses and the Internet, worrying young people and parents across the country.
With the presidential and congressional elections less than a month away, the White House also worked to dampen draft rumors that Republicans said have been fueled by Democrats. It threatened to veto the bill it called "both unnecessary and counterproductive."
"This campaign is a baseless and malevolent concoction of the Democrat party," said House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Texas Republican. "It has one purpose -- to spread fear."
Rep. John Conyers (news, bio, voting record), a Michigan Democrat, countered that Bush's Iraq policies have so strained U.S. forces, that a draft was possible no matter how unpopular it would be.
"Guess what, we're running out of troops ... Let's not be astounded that what follows is a draft. The only problem is that you can't announce it until after the election," Conyers said."
Rep. Charles Rangel (news, bio, voting record), a New York Democrat, said he offered a bill last winter to reinstitute the draft to spark debate on a system that he said placed the burden of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan (news - web sites) on lower-income people who make up most of the volunteer U.S. military.
DeLay said Republicans pulled up the long-dormant bill "to expose a fraud" that he said "has been given voice by the leading Democrats" that Bush would move to reimpose the draft after the Nov. 2 election.
In the Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, called reinstituting the draft "a nonissue" and said it would not be addressed in that chamber.
House Democrats accused Republicans of a dirty election-year trick, and used the debate to attack Bush's Iraq policies which they said have left the country in chaos and discouraged help from foreign troops.
"This president's foreign policies are what's scaring the kids of this country," said Rep. Tim Ryan (news, bio, voting record), an Ohio Democrat.
Some Democrats also said they doubted Bush would have taken the country to war if members of wealthy families had been called on to fight it.
"He would never have been able to say bring 'em on with other people's children," Rangel said.
"This is a rich man's war, and it's a poor man's fight," said Rep. John Dingell (news, bio, voting record), a Michigan Democrat. "We do not have enough troops in the field to prevail," he said, while accusing Republicans of ducking debate on how to get more forces.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush has made it clear he "strongly supports the all-volunteer military," and "does not believe we need a military draft."
"There are some who have tried to bring this up as a scare tactic, and that is highly unfortunate," McClellan said.
Rep. Jim McDermott (news, bio, voting record), a Washington Democrat, said, "Every time they get up on television and say there's never going to be a draft ... people start calling our offices saying when's the draft going to start."
McDermott said Republicans were worried because new voter registrations were going up "and they know those people are going to come out and vote against them. So they're trying their best to tamp down this fire, but they can't get anyone to believe them any more." (Additional reporting by Thomas Ferraro and Susan Cornwell)
Rodney Dangerfield dead
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rodney Dangerfield, the goggle-eyed comic famed for his self-deprecating one-liners and signature phrase "I can't get no respect," died on Tuesday at age 82, his publicist said.
Dangerfield, who became a pop culture sensation with a string of broad film comedies starting with "Caddyshack" in 1980, died at 1:20 p.m. PDT (4:20 p.m. EDT) at the UCLA Medical Center, where he had undergone heart valve replacement surgery in August, spokesman Kevin Sasaki said in a statement.
Some people never learn
Who keeps letting this clown near footballs?
The above picture is very reminiscient of this:
Response, Part Deux
It seems my last post has elicited some more hate mail. Generally, I ignore people who like to whine because I've hurt their oh-so-delicate sensibilities. One letter, however, stood out amongst the others - sent to me from a self-described "gay christian" - a Southern Baptist, no less. It's no secret that I view most of the gay community as a bunch of whining hypocrites. Add to that the fact that I view most religionists to be hypocrites. The question I have to ask is this: what could possibly be more hypocritical than a "gay Baptist?" How could someone who claims to be gay follow a religion whose followers are commanded to kill him (Leviticus 18:22-30) for being an abomination before god?
Before anyone starts harping on me about not knowing what I'm talking about, I was raised Southern Baptist. I know the level of unbridled, unreasoning hatred that is preached at the pulpit of Baptist churches, so forgive me if I seem incapable of taking the pro-religious rants of a "gay Baptist" seriously.

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