Sunday, October 03, 2004

Response, Part Deux

It seems my last post has elicited some more hate mail. Generally, I ignore people who like to whine because I've hurt their oh-so-delicate sensibilities. One letter, however, stood out amongst the others - sent to me from a self-described "gay christian" - a Southern Baptist, no less. It's no secret that I view most of the gay community as a bunch of whining hypocrites. Add to that the fact that I view most religionists to be hypocrites. The question I have to ask is this: what could possibly be more hypocritical than a "gay Baptist?" How could someone who claims to be gay follow a religion whose followers are commanded to kill him (Leviticus 18:22-30) for being an abomination before god?

Before anyone starts harping on me about not knowing what I'm talking about, I was raised Southern Baptist. I know the level of unbridled, unreasoning hatred that is preached at the pulpit of Baptist churches, so forgive me if I seem incapable of taking the pro-religious rants of a "gay Baptist" seriously.

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