Thursday, September 30, 2004

My response to hate mail

This is dedicated to the assclown who sent me a little bit of hate mail last night. I wrote this piece a while back directed at another christ-nazi. Since the hate mail was rehashed rhetoric, I'm replying with a rehashed response.

Sit back, fucktard, for school is now in session. The first lesson you will learn today is that I am not the nice person everyone likes to think am. The second lesson you will learn is that I simply do not care about you, your pathetic feelings, or your absurd and blind belief in a death cult whose main figurehead is a man executed on a cross. If you are easily offended – or even not so easily offended - then you can either go watch a Disney flick, or you can go engage in self-fornication; I really don’t give a fuck as to which. If you read further and are offended, tough shit; you have been warned.

The christian doctrine, the doctrine that you whole-heartedly embrace, is a doctrine of murder, exploitation, deceit, and hypocrisy. It is a tool that is used by the “church” to cull the brains from the population, and I hold you up as a perfect example of its effectiveness. The simple fact of the matter is that God - if he exists - hates you, and you know it; your own precious little Black Book of Lies even says so in black and white. To deny the evil that your murderous cult has unleashed upon the world is an act of self-deception that exceeds even that of liberals – an exceptional feat in and of itself.

You death-cultists whine about being persecuted everywhere, and there’s a reason: Karma - what goes around, come around. Your vicious band of miscreants has spread lies, hate, and death to every culture it has touched. Your unholy priests have vilified, demonized, murdered, and molested anything within reach of their foul, maggot-ridden hands. What they couldn’t convert, they imprisoned or killed. Deny it all you want – it’s all documented at great length in your bible and throughout recorded history. But, as with all things, there is a price that must be paid. That bill has now come due and your morally bankrupt belief system is being held accountable for its evil deeds.

The bible tells you to hate anything that’s not exactly like you, and you, like the cowardly sheep that you are, swallow that command completely. Since you can no longer kill and maim with impunity, the tools at your disposal have become limited to hatemongering and demonization. You label anything no like you as an “evil faggot” or “damn nigger,” or whatever your unholy priesthood tells you is appropriate. You vehemently oppose any belief system that challenges your hollow and empty beliefs, deluding yourself into thinking that you are a superior life form anointed by your god – the same god that you know hates the fact that you even exist. Simply put, you and your vile, putrid cult have a desire to oppress everyone you hate – which is everyone – and aren’t afraid to use whatever perverse methods you can. When a law doesn’t agree with you, you cry out "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" When a culture arises that you don’t like, you vilify them. Vilify, Distort, Demonize – the christian mantra.

And, just as your cult oppresses others, it oppresses itself. Your god has decreed that the very act of being alive to be a sin. If something is fun, it’s sin. Even if it’s not fun, it’s sin. Ice cream? Sin. That nice new dress or coat you just bought? Sin. Looking at a nice pair of tits or a nice ass? Sin. Heaven forbid you even make contact with a person of the opposite sex! Your very existence is a direct result of sin – the Original Sin. Christian cultists spend so much time trying to deny that they’re even human that they’ve become socially dysfunctional neurotic nutjobs who long for the paradise of heaven to escape the daily torture that they inflict upon themselves.

From my point of view, the only difference between your death cult and the muslim death cult is that you christians aren’t strapping bombs to your children’s’ chests. Yet. In another generation or two, I’m sure that will have changed if narrow-minded christ-nazis like you are any indication.

note: the above post may or may not be Vic's true opinion, but was provided to prove a point.

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