My response to hate mail
This is dedicated to the assclown who sent me a little bit of hate mail last night. I wrote this piece a while back directed at another christ-nazi. Since the hate mail was rehashed rhetoric, I'm replying with a rehashed response.
Sit back, fucktard, for school is now in session. The first lesson you will learn today is that I am not the nice person everyone likes to think am. The second lesson you will learn is that I simply do not care about you, your pathetic feelings, or your absurd and blind belief in a death cult whose main figurehead is a man executed on a cross. If you are easily offended – or even not so easily offended - then you can either go watch a Disney flick, or you can go engage in self-fornication; I really don’t give a fuck as to which. If you read further and are offended, tough shit; you have been warned.
The christian doctrine, the doctrine that you whole-heartedly embrace, is a doctrine of murder, exploitation, deceit, and hypocrisy. It is a tool that is used by the “church” to cull the brains from the population, and I hold you up as a perfect example of its effectiveness. The simple fact of the matter is that God - if he exists - hates you, and you know it; your own precious little Black Book of Lies even says so in black and white. To deny the evil that your murderous cult has unleashed upon the world is an act of self-deception that exceeds even that of liberals – an exceptional feat in and of itself.
You death-cultists whine about being persecuted everywhere, and there’s a reason: Karma - what goes around, come around. Your vicious band of miscreants has spread lies, hate, and death to every culture it has touched. Your unholy priests have vilified, demonized, murdered, and molested anything within reach of their foul, maggot-ridden hands. What they couldn’t convert, they imprisoned or killed. Deny it all you want – it’s all documented at great length in your bible and throughout recorded history. But, as with all things, there is a price that must be paid. That bill has now come due and your morally bankrupt belief system is being held accountable for its evil deeds.
The bible tells you to hate anything that’s not exactly like you, and you, like the cowardly sheep that you are, swallow that command completely. Since you can no longer kill and maim with impunity, the tools at your disposal have become limited to hatemongering and demonization. You label anything no like you as an “evil faggot” or “damn nigger,” or whatever your unholy priesthood tells you is appropriate. You vehemently oppose any belief system that challenges your hollow and empty beliefs, deluding yourself into thinking that you are a superior life form anointed by your god – the same god that you know hates the fact that you even exist. Simply put, you and your vile, putrid cult have a desire to oppress everyone you hate – which is everyone – and aren’t afraid to use whatever perverse methods you can. When a law doesn’t agree with you, you cry out "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" When a culture arises that you don’t like, you vilify them. Vilify, Distort, Demonize – the christian mantra.
And, just as your cult oppresses others, it oppresses itself. Your god has decreed that the very act of being alive to be a sin. If something is fun, it’s sin. Even if it’s not fun, it’s sin. Ice cream? Sin. That nice new dress or coat you just bought? Sin. Looking at a nice pair of tits or a nice ass? Sin. Heaven forbid you even make contact with a person of the opposite sex! Your very existence is a direct result of sin – the Original Sin. Christian cultists spend so much time trying to deny that they’re even human that they’ve become socially dysfunctional neurotic nutjobs who long for the paradise of heaven to escape the daily torture that they inflict upon themselves.
From my point of view, the only difference between your death cult and the muslim death cult is that you christians aren’t strapping bombs to your children’s’ chests. Yet. In another generation or two, I’m sure that will have changed if narrow-minded christ-nazis like you are any indication.
note: the above post may or may not be Vic's true opinion, but was provided to prove a point.
A word of advice to John Kerry's advisors
Keep him away from footballs.
I was wondering...
...how long it would take for the moonbats to begin blaming Bush for this year's active hurricane season.
Hat tip to Talon News.
MoveOn: Bush to Blame For 'Extreme' Hurricane Season
By Jimmy Moore
Talon News
September 23, 2004
SPARTANBURG, SC (Talon News) -- Attempting to take political advantage of the devastating hurricanes that have hit Florida and the southeastern section of the United States in the past few weeks, liberal political action group MoveOn.org is saying that President George W. Bush is to blame for "making extreme weather stronger."
In an e-mail to supporters, MoveOn.org rhetorically asks "why such extreme weather" has taken place with Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and Ivan causing billions of dollars in property damage and loss of life.
"Scientists agree that global warming makes sea levels rise and makes storms stronger, because temperature shifts disrupt the normal balance," MoveOn.org explained. "Warmer water makes more violent hurricanes."
The group added that insurance companies such as Swiss Re and Munich Re say "global warming is causing more losses."
Ridiculing President George W. Bush for "handing out emergency aid" in Florida while doing "nothing to reduce global warming," MoveOn.org contends that the president has "done a lot to make the problem worse" and has caused the massive hurricanes to form.
Asking its members to write letters to the editor of their local newspapers, MoveOn.org offers key "talking points, sample letters, and a tool to find your local paper."
MoveOn.org points the finger at Bush, saying that he has "helped the oil companies drill more, and the big polluters pollute more, at every opportunity" while he "has done nothing to stop global warming pollution, which is making extreme weather stronger."
The leftist group supporting Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry said Bush "walked away from the Kyoto Protocol, the only major international treaty to curb global warming pollution" and allegedly "broke a campaign pledge to limit emissions of CO2, the biggest global warming pollutant."
Blaming Bush for giving "tens of billions of dollars in subsidies to oil and coal industries that cause most of this pollution," MoveOn.org said the president has done "virtually nothing to make our use of these energy sources more efficient or to promote cleaner alternatives."
Again accusing Bush of being responsible for the hurricanes, MoveOn.org said the letter campaign will get the word out of how dangerous weather is connected to the occupant of the White House.
"By writing to our local papers, we can reach out to neighbors who are concerned about the extreme weather but don't yet know the connection to President Bush protecting the polluters," MoveOn.org argued.
The e-mail concluded, "And best of luck coping with the weather."
Copyright © 2004 Talon News -- All rights reserved.
Christianity: the Religion of Peace?
Sophia's poster
Three-year-old Sophia Parlock has a new Bush-Cheney campaign poster, courtesy of President Bush himself.
Sophia became famous Thursday when Associated Press photographer Randy Snyder captured a shot of the toddler crying after her Bush-Cheney sign was torn to pieces at a Huntington, W.Va., rally for Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards.
Sophia's father, Republican activist Phil Parlock, charges that Mr. Edwards' supporters "pounced" on him and two of his children, equating it to a "feeding frenzy."
The photo of Sophia crying made her a cause celebre in newspapers around the country. Mr. Parlock said on Friday that he'd already given more than 20 interviews.
U.S. News & World Report writer Paul Bedard was the first to report Friday that the White House sent Sophia a new poster, with a personal inscription from the president: "Dear Sophia, Thank you for supporting my campaign. I understand someone tore up your sign. So I am sending you a new sign and a signed picture."
Try this on for size
Yesterday, Dan Rather issued a non-apology stating, in effect, that the documents that he used to "prove" that Bush was AWOL from the TANG might possibly be forgeries. Rather still insists, though, that these "fake but accurate" documents tell a greater truth. The following is a fictional letter that I have composed to illustrate my point:
Dear Mr. Rather,
I have obatined documents indicating that you have been lax in your journalistic integrity. The documents come from an anonymous source from Baird, Texas who has been found to have perpetrated several hoaxes and has an axe to grind against you. Although every reputable forensic examiner has refused to verify the authenticity of these files, I have uncovered an 90 year-old janitor with advanced Alzheimer's who can corroborate them. The alleged author of these documents has been dead for twenty years now, but his family has openly said that these documents are forgeries, but, hey, what do they know? They're only his family, right?
These documents raise serious questions about your integrity. With all respect, Mr. Rather, I demand that you answer the charges made against you in these authentic highly suspiscious probably forged "fake but accurate" documents. If you don't, we'll tell everyone that you have something to hide.
Blatantly Partisan
Dan Rather speaks up
Last week, amid increasing questions about the authenticity of documents used in support of a 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY story about President Bush's time in the Texas Air National Guard, CBS News vowed to re-examine the documents in question—and their source—vigorously. And we promised that we would let the American public know what this examination turned up, whatever the outcome.
Now, after extensive additional interviews, I no longer have the confidence in these documents that would allow us to continue vouching for them journalistically. I find we have been misled on the key question of how our source for the documents came into possession of these papers. That, combined with some of the questions that have been raised in public and in the press, leads me to a point where—if I knew then what I know now—I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question.
But we did use the documents. We made a mistake in judgment, and for that I am sorry. It was an error that was made, however, in good faith and in the spirit of trying to carry on a CBS News tradition of investigative reporting without fear or favoritism.
Please know that nothing is more important to us than people's trust in our ability and our commitment to report fairly and truthfully.
So...Danny-boy. When are you going to admit that you ran these obviously fake documents knowing full-well that they were fraudulent?
The Assclown of the Day award goes to...
This guy.
Daniel Avila, 25, admitted Wednesday that he handed out fliers at the city's Oktoberfest celebration stating, "President George W. Bush Deserves to Be Assassinated." The handbill also called for a sex attack on the president's twin daughters.
Avila, who didn't attend the Tuesday night council session, wouldn't discuss his motives.
"I don't want to give any clue as to whether I'm serious or whether I'm playing around," he said. "I just think people need to allow something they don't like in their society to exist. In general that's what democracy is all about."
So, Assclown Award Recipient, advocating the murder of a sitting president and calling for the rape of two young women is what democracy is about? I would love to hear the justification for this one. I don't think even Dan Rather can try to spin this into something that's even remotely explainable.
Keystone Kerry
I've been watching this year's presidential election with a mixture of awe and horror - much in the same way one would watch a train wreck or the Hindenberg disaster. I started thinking of this in terms of something that Hollywood would put out in theaters. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that hollywood has put this out in theaters.
This summer, one of the box office flops was a remake of the 1960's film The Machurian Canididate in which they made the not-so-oblique assertation that George Bush was the real-life Machurian Candidate. Taking this line of thought a little further, I began to think of a way to describe both candidates in Hollywood terms. If Geroge Bush is the Manchurian Cadidate, then who is John Kerry? The answer was so obvious in its simplicity that I'm surprised it took me more than an minute to come up with it.
John Kerry is the Keystone Candidate.
From touting his "service" in Vietnam to letting his wife within twenty miles of a live microphone, John Kerry - like his namesake, the Keystone Cops - has done everything in the absolute worst way with the absolute worst results. Even hard-core Democrats are beginning to realize what an absolute blunder they made when nominating Keystone Kerry as their candidate for the presidency. Personally speaking, though, I have to thank the Democratic Party for their candidate; you just can't pay for this kind of entertainment outside of a Laurel and Hardy movie.
Somehow, I'm not surprised by this
Florida Democrats have sued to have Nader's name removed from ballots on the grounds that the Reform Party does "not qualify as a national party under state law." If I remember correctly, which I usually do, Democrats seemed to have had no problem allowing the Reform Party on the ballots in 2000. In fact, they attempted to use the Reform Party as a pawn in their blatant attempt to steal the 2000 Presidential Election.
What a difference a few days make
In a most spectacular display of partisanship, the "unbiased" mainstream media on Thursday launched an all day blitz against Bush that has blown up in their faces in the most devastating way imaginable. Mainstream media credibility has sank deeper than the Titanic.
It all started with a 60 Minutes II exclusive that aired documents that "proved" that Bush was AWOL from his service from the TANG. As expected, the rest of the "unbiased" media jumped on this "proof" without conducting any form idependent verification. CBS claims that they've had these documents for six weeks in order for "experts" to verify their authenticity. Yet, in that entire six weeks, these "experts" could not spot what amateur sleuths spotted in less than twelve hours: the documents were fraudulent.
Compare the following animated gif that overlays the documents that CBS produced with a document typed in Microsoft Word:
Now let's look at the signatures. The one on the left is the verified signature ok Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, Bush's commander. On the right is the signature pulled from the CBS documents:
And, finally, forensic experts have identified almost fifty points that lead to the possibility that the documents could be fraudulent. The only way to be absolutely sure that the documents are legit is to examine the originals, which CBS claims it does not have. Of course, that leads to the question of: "how did CBS determine their accuracy if they didn't have the originals with which to comapre them?"
- Proportional spacing not generally available
- Superscripts not generally available
- Small "th" single element not generally available (not common, but available. Highly unlikely the machines were available at TANG)
- Smart quotes. Curved apostrophes and quotation marks were not available
- The blurriness of the copy indicates it was recopied dozens of times, tactic of forgers
- Signature block. Typical authentic military signature block has name, then rank, then on the next line the person's position. This just has rank beneath the name.
- Margins. These look like a computer's unjustified default, not the way a person typing would have done it.
- Date usually with three letters, or in form as 110471.
- Words run over consistent with word processor
- Times Roman has been available since 1931, but only in linotype printshops...until released with Apple MacIntosh in 1984 and Windows 3.1 in 1991.
- Signature looks faked
- No errors and whiteout
- No letterhead
- Exact match for Microsoft Word Processor
- Paper size problem, Air Force and Guard did not use 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper until the 1980s.
- Overlap analysis is an exact match
- Absence of hyphens to split words between lines, c/w 1970's typewriter.
- 5000 Longmont #8 in Houston Tx. does not exist (actually does exist, but Mr. Bush had already moved TWICE from this address at the time the memo was written).
- Box 34567 is suspicious, at best. The current use of the po box 34567 is Ashland Chemical Company, A Division of Ashland Oil, Incorporated P. O. Box 34567 Houston (this has been confirmed by the Pentagon, per James Rosen on Fox News-However, many documents on John Kerrys website show same)
- It would have been nearly impossible to center a letterhead with proportional spacing without a computer.
- Bush's grade would "normally" be abbreviated "1Lt" not "1st Lt"
- Subject matter bizarre
- Air Force did not use street addresses for their offices, rather HQ AFLC/CC, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433.
- Kerning was not available
- In the August 18, 1973 memo, Jerry Killian purportedly writes: "Staudt has obviously pressured Hodges more about Bush. I'm having trouble running interference and doing my job." but General Staudt, who thought very highly of Lt. Bush, retired in 1972.
- Language not generally used by military
- Not signed or initialed
- Not in any format that a military person would use, e.g. orders not given by Memo.
- Is the document original or a copy of an original? Why all the background noise such as black marks and a series of repeated dots (as if run through a Xerox).(Rather explained his document was a photocopy-brings up additional questions of how redacted black address was visible from a several generation copy)
- The Killian family rejected these documents as forgeries. Then where did the personal files come from if not the family?
- Why no three hole punches evident at the top of the page?
- Mr. Bush would have had automatic physical scheduled for his Birthday in July! He would not have received correspondence.
- Why is the redacted address of Longmont #8 visible beneath the black mark? This would have been impossible after one copy, but it would be visible if the document was scanned.
- Why were these exact same documents available for sale on the Internet by Marty Heldt, of leftist web site Tom Paine, as early as January 2004? Is this where CBS obtained their copies?
- Acronym should be ORT, not ORET.
- Last line of document 4 "Austin will not be pleased with this" is not in the same font and has been added!
- Handwriting experts are not document experts apples and oranges.
- Lt Col Killian didn't type
- The forged documents had no initials from a clerk
- There was no CC list (needed for orders)
- Subject line in memos was normally CAPITALIZED in the military
- The forged documents used incorrect terminology ("physical examination" instead of "medical")
- There was no "reciept confirmation box" (required for orders)
- The superscript "th" in the forged documents was raised half-way above the typed line (consistent with MS Word, but inconsistent with military typewriters which kept everything in-line to avoid writing outside the pre-printed boxes of standard forms)
- CBS admits that it does *not* have the originals, but only original documents can be proven to be real; copies can *never* be authenticated positively...repeat: only original documents can be proven real. CBS never had the originals, so CBS knew that it was publishing something that couldn't be assured of authenticity.
- The manual cited in the first forged document on line 2 of the first point #1 of "AFM 35-13" doesn't exist. That line of text reads: "to conduct annual physical examination (flight)IAW AFM 35-13". "IAW" means "In Accordance With" and "AFM 35-13" would mean "Air Force Manual 35-13". There is no such Air Force Manual 35-13.
As you can see, there are too many oddities to take these documents at face value. Despite the best efforts of Democratic partisan spinmeisters, they are unable to refute even a full quarter of the points listed above.
Teresa opens yap, inserts entire leg
Heinz Kerry: Opponents Of Health Care Plan Are 'Idiots'
Candidate's Wife Doesn't Mince Words
Teresa Heinz Kerry says "only an idiot" would fail to support her husband's health care plan.
But Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, told the (Lancaster) Intelligencer Journal that "of course, there are idiots."
Kerry's proposal includes health care subsidies for children, the unemployed, small companies and more; and government assistance to insurers and employers that keep premiums for workers down.
If Kerry is elected, Heinz Kerry predicts that opponents of his health care plan will be voted out of office. She says, "Only an idiot wouldn't like this."
Heinz Kerry stumped in Lancaster, Harrisburg and York on Wednesday, the third day of a four-day campaign swing through Pennsylvania.
On Thursday, she holds a roundtable discussion health care at a hotel in King of Prussia.
The view from my office window
The difference between a conservative and a liberal
Various news outlets are reporting that Bill Clinton has been hospitalized and may need to undergo quadruple bypass surgery. I may not agree with the man, or even particularly like him, but I wish him well in his surgery and subsequent recovery.
Fox News report
Something worth a chuckle or two
My letter to John Kerry
Dear Senator Kerry,
The Swift Boat Vets for Truth have issued to you another statement essentially saying "put up, and we'll shut up." You and your team of lawyers love to claim that the SwiftVets are Republican-funded shills, completely ignoring that half of them are registered Democrats. All the SwiftVets want from you, Senator, is for you to tell the truth about what happened in Vietnam - though I'm sure an apology for this steaming pile would be nice, too.
Personally, speaking as a Gulf War I vet, I feel that you have slammed all vets - not just the Vietnam era vets. Your protests against the Vietnam War were just the beginning. Your Senate voting record - at least the votes for which you bothered to show up - show your continued disdain for the military and those who have served.
Senator Kerry, you have yet to apologize for the lies told in your book The New Soldier and under oath at The Winter Soldier Hearings. Hell, even Hanoi Jane Fonda has made a half-assed attempt at an apology.
You owe us the truth, Senator. More importantly, you owe the soldiers and sailors who fought, bled, and died in Vietnam an apology.
We're waiting.

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