Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Vote "No" to HJR6

HJR6 is the proposed amendment to the Texas Constitution prohibiting same-sex marriages, a measure I strongly urge voters to reject.

Do I do this because I support same-sex marriage? Nope. Not at all. In fact, I oppose the concept of same-sex marriages.

(This is the place where the reactionaries on both sides normally would have stopped reading.)

I oppose same government recognition of sex marriages on the same basis that I oppose government recognition of opposite-sex marriage. The government should have absolutely no say in what two consenting, non-related adults choose to do with their lives. None. Zip. Zero.

I can hear the reactionaries out there screeching "But that's a slippery slope! It'll pave the way to pedophilia, beastiality and polygamy!"

Please. I get tired of hearing this nonsensical rhetoric and obvious logical fallacy.

Children cannot give informed consent. Nor can animals. For the matter of polygamy, I can only say this: anyone who wants more than one spouse deserves what he/she gets - more in-laws.

All HJR6 does is give the government more power over personal relationships. If your relationship is so weak that you feel the need to have third-party validation of that relationship, then by all means vote for this measure. We all know that the government would never try to take more authority than it's been given, right? Right?

If you don't want the government in your home, telling you with whom you can and cannot be in a relationship, vote against this measure.

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