Friday, September 30, 2005

You Can't Take The Sky From Me

Warning: Spoilers Ahead.

Last night, Mister Priapus and I went to see a midnight showing of Serenity. For those who may not know, Serenity is a feature film based off the television series Firefly.

For people who are not familiar with the television show, there may be some gaps in the movie's plot, but the movie does include enough background so that newcomers aren't completely lost.

For those who are familiar with Firefly, it's like getting reacquainted with old friends. The wit and banter amongst the crew of the space ship Serenity is as it was on the show. For example, the show starts with Serenity entering atmosphere, and a piece of the ship comes off, causing the ship to start bucking.
Wash: Mal, you might want to tell people to strap in. Things might get a little interesting.
Mal: What do you mean by interesting?
Wash: [calmly] Oh, God. Oh God. We're all going to die.
Mal: [into microphone] Attention crew, this is the captain. Strap yourselves in as were going to encounter some turbulence...and possibly explode.

Serenity is funny, serious, and exciting, all at the same time. We learn the origins of the Reavers. More importantly, we learn the secret behind River Tam, and why the Alliance is so hot to get its hands on her.

In my own humble opinion, Serenity is, by far, the best movie to come out this year. Go see it.

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