Monday, October 03, 2005

Family Matters

This weekend, a major victory was scored on the homefront. Unfortunately, that victory has consequences.

On Saturday, my sister-in-law went to the house where my sister's kids live with their grandparents. Tammy's intent was to inform everyone that Star has been moved to Abilene - where the kids reside - and was going to inquire about letting the kids see their mother. Now, I use the word kids, but frankly, they're not really children anymore. Dustin will be 20 in November, and Jessica is 15.

Anyway, on her way over to the kids' house, Tammy came across Dustin, who's been staying with a friend for a few days. Apparently, his grandparents have kicked him out of the house...again. Jessica wasn't available, so Tammy took Dustin to see his mother. Anyone who's been paying attention to the family drama knows I've been trying to make arrangements for the kids to see Star.

When Tammy and Dustin got to the hospital, Dustin's grandmother - Star's mother-in-law - was already there visiting. Since the mother-in-law has been doing everything in her power to keep the kids away from their mother for the last decade, she's not pleased about Dustin being at the hospital. And since Dustin is over the age of 18, legally, there isn't a damn thing Muriel could do about it. Star, on the other hand, was elated to see her son.

We thought the drama was pretty much over, at that point. Yesterday, Muriel told Dustin he could come to the house, rest, do laundry, or whatever. Today, Star called me and told me that Dustin's grandfather beat him up yesterday.

This is where "Uncle Vic" comes into play. Fifteen years ago, just after Jessica was born, Star's husband John gave Dustin - who was 4 at the time - a beer, then he punched Star when she protested.

Star, never one to take that kind of abuse from anyone, took a tire iron after John. After working him over a little, she got really nasty; she called me.

As he was being admitted to the ER, John told the cops he'd been assaulted by six men.

Now, John's father (John, Sr.) has put himself into his son's place. Unfortunately, I have a problem with kicking the shit out of a 70-year-old man, so I'm going to do something else.

If the plans work out like they should, Dustin will be moving in with me with this weekend or next weekend. He'll be staying with me until he has a job and can afford to get his own place.

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