Sunday, August 28, 2005

Clusterfuck of epic proportions

When we left Houston, the hurricane was safely on its way to Florida. When we got to New Orleans at 5am, we learned the hurricane was headed right for us. We visitied with Star for a while, then at 2pm we hit the road back to Houston.

This is where the clusterfuck began.

It took us three hours to get across the Lake Ponchatrain bridge, at which point the State Police closed I-10, and put everyone on I-55N. And, of course, they closed every single exit on I-55. We ended up almost in Mississppi before we could get of I-55.

It was 8pm before we even got to Baton Rouge. Around midnight, we hit Lake Charles to drop Mike and my dad off, then we (me and Mr. Priapus) hit the road for Houston. We got back to Houston around 4am.

It took us 14 hourse to get from N.O. back to Houston. At this point, I had been awake for 44 hours.

Anyway, I'm home, I'm safe, and I'm hoping that I'll never have to do anything like this again.

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