Tammy Bruce steps up to the plate...
...and knocks the ball out of the park. The Increasingly Ugly Left
July 26, 2005
Tammy Bruce
It’s always shocking when the left unmasks itself—it’s usually very brief but when it happens not only can’t you turn away, it’s actually important that you don’t. While it would seem impossible, the left has found a new low, this time courtesy of both the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times.
On the same day, both newspapers published bizarre attacks on the most basic values of personal appearance and physical health of the president and those he supports. It’s the newest indication of how frustrated and frenzied the left has grown in the face of an America which refuses to join them in their drowning pool.
In a piece for the Los Angeles Times on July 22, 2005, titled “The (over)exercise of Power,” Jonathan Chait notes he finds the president’s interest in exercise “disturbing.” He bleats, “What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy.” As opposed to a president’s obsession with Big Macs and a certain intern?
Chait finds the fact that the president makes time to exercise “astonishing,” he then notes “My guess is that Bush associates exercise with discipline…The notion of a connection between physical and mental potency is, of course, silly…” Really? Not according to the medical establishment and the surgeon general’s office which notes the benefits of exercise. Such as? Better sleep, reduced tension and stress, reduction of high blood pressure, reduction of anxiety and depression, reduced risk of colon and breast cancer, healthy bones, muscles, and joints, improved self image, and generally improved physical health.
For the most powerful man on earth, the man on whose shoulders the fate of the free world rests, the president clearly recognizes exercise is an imperative component to his being able to do the job.
Chait tries to assert his point about the “silliness” of connecting exercise with mental acuity by arguing, “Consider all the perfectly toned airheads in Hollywood—or perhaps, even the president himself.” The last time I checked, most actresses in Hollywood are emaciated, they are not “perfectly toned.” There is a difference between being thin and being healthy—a distinction lost on Chait and Hollywood in general.
It would be easy to dismiss Chait as just another “journalist” who makes a living hating the president, but there’s more to it than that. You see, leftists harbor a personal jealousy of people unlike them. And who would that be? People considered “on the right” or “conservative,” those who have a healthier, happier, more positive view of life. When you view the future with optimism, when you feel you are in charge of your destiny, you’re going to be kinder to and take better care of yourself.
The pettiness of Chait’s argument reaches its pinnacle of envy with an insistent but unconvincing shout of I-Have-Self-Esteem-Too! in his last gasp. Chait closes by accusing the president’s encouragement of exercise among Americans as a further indication of how “out of touch he is. It’s nice for Bush that he can take an hour or two out of every day to run, bike, or pump iron. Unfortunately, most of us have more demanding jobs than he does.”
Wow, that says it all, doesn’t it? Chait is smarter, more clever, is much busier and certainly more important than the president. And he doesn’t even need to lift his keester out of his chair! Make no mistake here—the Left is obsessed with one thing--mainstreaming their nihilistic, empty lives. Within their narcissism and desire to be ‘normal,’ society must be made to look like them, and let’s be honest here—their world of victimhood, depression and hate is not a pretty one.
Consider their political and public leadership—those who are supposed to be the cream of the crop, meant to attract others to their camp, the Role Models—Teddy Kennedy. The Clintons. Lynne Stewart. Barbra Streisand. Whoopi Goldberg. Rosie O’Donnell. Michael Moore. Alec Baldwin. Al Franken. Need I say more?
During my time with the National Organization for Women one of the (many) things that disturbed me during national board meetings was the fact that many of the women seemed to be allergic to bathing, and especially frightened of the concept of ‘grooming.’
The simplest things reveal you are in a room full of unhappy people—many were significantly overweight, and by grooming I mean engaging in the simple act of running a brush though your hair, brushing one’s teeth, visiting a dentist if need be (at least on occasion), and simply caring enough about yourself to at least attempt to appear healthy.
When I would dare to bring up the issue of appearance (as gently as one could imagine), that notion, of course, was rejected as “surrendering to the male dominated view of female beauty.” Hey, how about surrendering to not being repulsive? That helps every cause, whatever it may be.
Of course, on the Left, one gets lost in groupthink. Personal health, exercise, and being aware of ones own body in itself is an indication that you’re conscious of yourself. Yet, it is personal unconsciousness which is encouraged and fostered in leftist activist and leadership circles. Being Unhealthy and celebrating the Ungroomed is an art form on the Left. And ultimately, as evidenced by Chait’s opinion piece, those who do take care of themselves, and dare to remind society of how things should be, are demonized. Why? Because they serve as a counterpoint of what the left is not.
You see, it now cannot be ignored that one side of the political spectrum even looks unwell. And how does the left strive to make that irrelevant? By marginalizing those who are unlike them—the physically healthy, those who actually take care of themselves, are to be mocked and shunned.
Think I’m being too extreme? Consider Robin Givhan’s coverage of John Roberts’ family at the president’s press conference announcing Judge Roberts as his nominee for the Supreme Court. In her Washington Post story also on July 22, 2005 titled “An Image A Little Too Carefully Crafted,” Givhan eclipsed Chait with an astounding pettiness thought only in existence on the elementary school playground. Givhan actually attacks Judge Roberts’ wife and children for being groomed and well-dressed.
“His wife and children stood before the cameras, groomed and glossy in pastel hues—like a trio of Easter eggs, a handful of Jelly Bellies, three little Necco wafers…Separate the child from the clothes, which do not acknowledge trends, popular culture or the passing of time. They are not classic; they are old-fashioned. These clothes are Old World, old money…”
In other words, the Roberts children should have been dressed in GAP clothes, preferably with a piercing of one body part or another. While Josie, their daughter, would have been more appropriate in a pair of low-rider jeans which make refrigerator-repairmen out of little girls.
President and Mrs. Bush, and the Roberts family make the mistake of not pledging allegiance to the decline of culture. They insult the Left by reminding intellectually lazy Slaves to Decay like Chait and Givhan that class, decorum and respect still exist. Tradition, caring for ones family, and caring for oneself, are still values that prevail.
Is Lynne Stewart to be the new American beauty standard? Is Michael Moore, and the slow suicide of morbid obesity, to be sought after? Is Ward Churchill to be the New Ideal Man? Is the discipline brought by exercise and self-restraint so frightening that we would prefer to have a quadruple-bypass like Bill Clinton?
After all, if you care enough about yourself to resist a Big Mac and Krispy Kreme, you would also have the discipline to resist an intern. Unless, of course, your world is one where there are no standards, exercise is “creepy,” and looking good is “old fashioned.” Theirs is a world, as Bill Clinton mused, where you do what you want ‘because you can.’
Thank goodness Americans are deciding they deserve better.
Dowd's latest
I'm not a big fan of Maureen Dowd's writings, but she gives a touching memorial to her mother in her latest piece. You have my condolences on your recent loss, Ms. Dowd.
Excellent rebuttal
I was doing a bit of blogsurfing this morning and came across this little gem. This is probably the best rebuttal I've seen directed to the so-called "ex-gay movement." I have added Positive Liberty to the blogroll.
Dear Hollywood
Stop ruining my childhood! These past few years have seen a major slump at the box office. Why? Because there are very few original shows coming out of Hollywood. Almost all of the major "hits" this year are either sequels, remakes of previous films, or 70's television shows brought to the big screen. War of the Worlds. Herbie: Fully Loaded. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Bewitched. The Bad News Bears. The Dukes of Hazard. All of these are rehashed and bastardized versions of something that was good in the past but has now been sullied by Hollywood during their quest to cash in on on what, for many, are considered fond childhood memories. Let's take a look at a piece written by former Congressman Ben Jones, who played "Cooter" in the television series The Dukes of Hazard. THE DUKES MOVIE: DON’T GO UNLESS THEY CLEAN IT UP!
Hey Y'all,
I thought this would be a good time to let everybody know my feelings about the upcoming "Dukes of Hazzard" feature film, since if it weren't for the "Dukes" fans, our show would have been long since "put out to pasture." The folks who love our show have kept it alive and well, despite the lack of respect it has been shown by "Hollywood."
Web sites like ours have been an extraordinary means of communication for the "Dukes" community. The power of the internet has enabled us to not only keep the show viable, but to help make it a hit show all over again. CMT is getting record ratings and the kids of America think it is a new show. In our business, it doesn't get much better than that.
Like our fans, those of us who worked on the show have a special affection for it. For over 25 years we have cared about it, nourished it, and fought for it. And it seems to me that it is time for us to have our voices heard again. From all I have seen and heard, the "Dukes" movie is a sleazy insult to all of us who have cared about the "Dukes of Hazzard" for so long.
You probably know that the creators of this film wanted absolutely nothing to do with the original members of the cast. Doesn't that seem strange to you, given how popular our show is right now, and how popular our cast still is? After all, our huge success for so many years is the reason they are making the film, and the film, after all, is about us.
In the last few years I reckon I've done many hundreds of interviews around the country on radio and television and for dozens of newspapers. I always tell them that ours is a classic family show with positive values, great action, wonderful slapstick comedy, mighty fine country music, and a very gifted cast who had great chemistry. America could tell that we were clearly enjoying what we were doing and for that hour folks could forget their troubles and just have fun along with us. It is exactly the kind of entertainment that families crave right now.
Lately most of the interviewers want to know my opinion of the "movie" version that is coming out in August. I've always tried to be candid with my opinions, and when it comes to this film, I think it would be a mistake for me to pull the punches. Like you, I haven't seen the film, but I have read the script, I've talked to a lot of people who worked on the set, and I've seen the raunchy TV commercial. Frankly, I think the whole project shows an arrogant disrespect for our show, for our cast, for America's families, and for the sensibilities of the heartland of our country.
Unless they clean it up before the August 5th release date I would strongly recommend that true blue Dukes fans hold their noses and pass this one up. And whatever you do, don't take any youngsters to see it. As plain as I can put it, the only thing this movie shares with our show is the title. Oh, they do have the General Lee flying through the air, although according to the New York Times, they didn't even use stunt drivers.
Sure it bothers me that they wanted nothing to do with the cast of our show, but what bothers me much more is the profanity laced script with blatant sexual situations that mocks the good clean family values of our series. Now, anybody who knows me knows that I'm not a prude. But this kind of toilet humor has no place in Hazzard County. Rather than honoring our legendary show, they have chosen to degrade it.
When CMT brought our series back on the air in February of this year, 23 million viewers tuned in on that first weekend. Very few, if any, movies have ever matched those kind of numbers for an opening weekend. Our show is a hit right now! Very young children have fallen in love with the "Dukes" on CMT, just as their parents did 25 years ago. They love the positive values of our show, its wholesome friendliness, and the fact that Bo and Luke are heroes who always make the right moral choice. How can the producers of this film be so cynical, so jaded, so out of touch with America's heartland as to trash a great family show in this way?
Well, there may not be much we can do, but we have to do all we can. Let's send them a message: "If you don't clean it up, we're not going to see it." Maybe a kick in their pocketbook will get their attention.
The Hon. Ben Jones The BriarPatch Washington,Va.
Transcript from Robert's confirmation hearing
Latest News
Star called just as I was getting to class tonight. She's out of the hospital and is doing well.
Dad called. Star says she's doing better, and is likely to be released from the hospital today. Update7/22/05, 1:55pmJust got off the phone with Star. She says she's feeling much better, and is going stir-crazy after being trapped in the hospital since Monday. She wanted me to thank everyone for their prayers and well-wishes.
Latest News
Just got off the phone with Dad. Star took another turn for the worse last night. She's still bleeding heavily and had to be given several units of blood. My parents are really starting to worry. My brother, PJ, was very subdued when I called and told him about it. I, however, am left wondering if these alleged "doctors" who have been treating Star haven't got their heads firmly planted up their asses. Update7/21/05, 10:53amDad called. They're having to give Star more blood today. If I thought my car was up to making the trip, I'd be on my way to Lake Charles right now to give these alleged "doctors" the worst bitch out session they've ever experienced.
Words from Star
I just got off the phone with Star. She says she's doing well and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and well-wishes. Update7/20/05, 3:35pmJust got off the phone with Dad. Star developed a massive blood clot, so they had to go in and remove it. She's also having way too much fluid draining into the drainage tubes, so they're going to keep her in the hospital at least until tomorrow, if not longer.
A little bit of honesty
I have to admit I'm something of a realist. There's a history of breast cancer on both sides of my family. My mother has lost two aunts and a cousin, and my dad lost his oldest sister and his oldest neice - all of them to breast cancer or resulting complications thereof. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm also preparing for the worst.
...Hillary Clinton demonstrates that she believes our laws mean nothing. Clinton speaks before Hispanic civil rights conference
The Morning Call Speaking to the nations' largest Hispanic civil rights organization, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., received a standing ovation Monday when she vowed her support for legislation that would allow illegal immigrant high school students to attend college.
Clinton made her remarks on various issues of importance to the country's Latinos at the annual conference of National Council of La Raza, attended by 23,000 people at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.
The event started Friday and has included a rally in center Philadelphia in support of the so-called DREAM Act that would benefit illegal students.
On Tuesday, the chairpersons of both the Republican and Democratic national committees are schedule to address the conference, which NCLR officials say is a first for the organization and a sign that both parties have heightened their interest in the growing Latino population and its votes.
Read it here.
Family Business
I got a call from my mother saying that my sister, Star, has been diagnosed with breast cancer - at only 36 years of age. A mammogram revealed a tumor approximately the size of an orange located in her right breast. The cancer has advanced to the point where the only real option now is a mastectomy - removing the affected breast - and possibly followup chemotherapy. She goes into the hospital tomorrow morning for the mastectomy. Update7/18/05, 10:45amI just got off the phone with my dad. She went into surgery at 8am, and is still in surgery. Dad's going to call me when she gets out and let me know what the doctor has said. Update II7/18/05, 11:20amDad called. Star's out of surgery. They got as much of the cancer as they could, but it has spread to the lymph nodes. It's too soon to tell the prognosis, but she's definitely going to need chemotherapy. Update III7/19/05, 9:52amJust got off the phone with Dad. Star had a really bad night last night. She started bleeding, and they had to give her several units of blood to replace what she lost. She's doing better today, but, chances are, they're not going to discharge her as originally planned.
Let's talk about "Family Values"
Man accused of killing his 'gay' baby son
By Larry Buhl Thu Jul 14, 8:42 PM ET
SUMMARY: Ronnie Paris Jr., 21, of Tampa, Florida is accused of abusing his 3-year-old son in an effort to prevent him from being gay, until the boy slipped into a coma and died.
Ronnie Paris would shake, wet himself and vomit as his father forced him into a box and repeatedly slapped him on the head in an effort to prevent him from being gay, the child's mother, Nysheerah Paris, testified Monday. The boy was 3 years old when he died from swelling on both sides of the brain on January 28.
Others backed up the mother's testimony on the first day of the capital murder trial of Ronnie Paris Jr., 21, of Tampa, Florida. Paris is accused of physically abusing the toddler until the boy slipped into a coma.
"He was trying to teach him how to fight," the boy's aunt, Shanita Powell, told the court. "He was concerned that the child might be gay."
"He didn't want him to be a sissy," Shelton Bostic, the defendant's Bible-study friend, testified.
Ronnie's death followed a history of physical abuse, according to Prosecutor Jalal Harb.
In 2002, the Florida Department of Children and Families placed the boy in protective custody after he had been admitted to the hospital repeatedly for vomiting, the Tampa Tribune reported. He was returned to his parents Dec. 14, five days after his third birthday. The boy slipped into a coma on Jan. 22, and was taken off life support six days later.
But it wasn't until the boy's mother was questioned by investigators on Feb. 1 that she talked about the abuse. She is charged with felony child neglect, which carries a possible 15-year prison sentence.
Although the defense so far has tried to shift the blame to the mother, it is possible that the father's "gay panic" defense might come into play, especially after witnesses tried to explain the father's motive. If Paris' lawyers try that, it would "bring the gay panic defense to a whole new level of absurdity," according to Brian Winfield, spokesman for Equality Florida.
"It is almost an impossibly that a 3-year-old toddler would be expressing sexuality," he told the PlanetOut Network. "It may have been that the child was not masculine enough. We've found that gender expression is more often the motive behind bashing (of gay adults)."
And a jury would probably shoot down such a defense, Winfield said. "Juries in even the most conservative states reject gay panic as a defense for murder." In this case, it is even likelier to fail, he continued. "There can be no good reason for beating a child to death."
Ewwwwww. Just.... ewwwwwwww. Enumclaw-area animal-sex case investigated
By Jennifer Sullivan Seattle Times staff reporter
King County sheriff's detectives are investigating the owners of an Enumclaw-area farm after a Seattle man died from injuries sustained while having sex with a horse boarded on the property.
Investigators first learned of the farm after the man died at Enumclaw Community Hospital July 2. The county Medical Examiner's Office ruled that the death was accidental and the result of having sex with a horse.
A surveillance camera picked up the license plate of the car that dropped the man off at the hospital, which led detectives to the farm and other people involved, said sheriff's Sgt. John Urquhart.
Deputies don't believe a crime occurred because bestiality is not illegal in Washington state and the horse was uninjured, said Urquhart.
But because investigators found chickens, goats and sheep on the property, they are looking into whether animal cruelty — which is a crime — was committed by having sex with these smaller, weaker animals, he said.
The farm was talked about in Internet chat rooms as a destination for people looking to have sex with livestock, he said.
"A significant number of people, we believe, have likely visited this farm," said Urquhart.
The Humane Society of the United States intends to use the case during the next state legislative session as an example of why sex with animals should be outlawed in Washington, said Bob Reder, a Humane Society regional director in Seattle.
"This and a few other cases that we have will allow us a platform to talk about sex abuse of animals," Reder said.
Thirty-three states ban sex with animals, he said.
Susan Michaels, co-founder of local animal-rights organization Pasado's Safe Haven, said she has been fighting to have bestiality made illegal. "It's animal cruelty behind closed doors," Michaels said.
Jennifer Sullivan: 206-464-8294 or jensullivan@seattletimes.com
They both want to tell you how to live your life. Via Fark. Clinton seeks 'Grand Theft Auto' probe
Clinton seeks 'Grand Theft Auto' probe WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has attacked violent video games as "a silent epidemic" among children, said she wants a federal investigation into one of the most popular, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."
Clinton, D-N.Y., is asking the Federal Trade Commission to probe how users of the game can access "graphic pornographic and violent content" for the game from the Internet.
In a letter dated Thursday to FTC chairwoman Deborah Platt Majoras, she also urged the agency to examine whether the game's rating of "M" for mature should be changed to an "Adults Only" rating.
Read the rest here
News agencies are reporting that U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who has been battling cancer for some time now, has been hospitalized with a fever. For whose who may not know, developing unexplained fevers while undergoing chemotherapy is generally considered to be a bad sign. Hopefully, he will recover, but I think it's time for him to step down from the Supreme Court.
Fantastic Flop
In my younger years, I was a major comic book geek. One of my favorite comics was the Fantastic Four. Why? Because they had really cool powers. I mean, imagine what it would be like to fly across the world as a living ball of flame, or to be able to reach across the room and bitch-slap some jackass without having to leave your chair! And, of course, who could forget their arch-nemesis, the Most Badass of the Badass Villains: Dr. Victor Von Doom - Marvel's quintessential villain who has bested everyone, from Spiderman to the Beyonder. Last night, I went to the theater to see Fantastic Four, hoping that this wouldn't be a repeat of the travesty known as "The Hulk" (another one of my favorites sullied by the transition to film). I left the theater feeling disappointed. The special effect were stunning, especially the Thing. He didn't look hokey and fake - well, about as un-fake looking as someone can when they have orange, rocky skin. Character development was really good, from Johnny Storm's flippant, carefree attitude to Von Doom's all-consuming arrogance. However, the dialog was trite and forced. Probably the most unforgivable offense was the treatment of Dr. Doom. Doom was someone who had the power to take on the Fantastic Four all at once, and had the brains to be able to do it effectively. Sadly, that was not the case in this movie. Even before I went to see this movie, I thought that how Dr. Doom was treated would make or break this film. Consider this film broken. The final battle scene against one who is supposedly the baddest villain in comic history turned out to be one of the lamest battles on screen. It wasn't as bad as the Hulk, though.
Rather than round up these criminals invading American society, McCain is once again teaming up with his liberal buddies to screw us over again. And, George Bush, being the fake conservative he is, will probably sign this into law should it ever cross his desk. McCain-Kennedy Amnesty Bill Opens the Border
by James R. Edwards, Jr. Posted Jul 12, 2005
At a time of sustained, mass immigration, a glut of unskilled foreign workers, unrelenting illegal immigration and fiscal overload, Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., propose to flood America with more of the same.
Their recently introduced legislation, S. 1033, creates two supposedly temporary work visas. Those programs are vehicles to legalize all 10-12 million illegal aliens.
Read the rest here.
"Civil Disobedience"
Hat tip: Ace of Spades. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Look at the result of modern-day liberalism and their idea of "civil disobendience." Don't believe that liberals don't support this kind of action? See them gloat.
Something you'll rarely hear me say
Attacks in London
By now, we all know about the attacks that took place in London earlier today. I'm not going to post too much about it here because, quite frankly, it's all over the blogosphere. I do, however, wish to offer my sincere condolences to the people of Britain in the wake of this tragedy.
Via: Protest WarriorVandalism of a website, theft of credit card information, conspiracy to commit fraud with stolen credit cards. I guess Jeremy will be joining other miscreant moonbats because he couldn't tell the difference between "political activism" and "criminal activity."
In January 2005, Jeremy Hammond and the hacker group collectively known as the "Internet Liberation Front" gained illegal access to the ProtestWarrior server. Thousands of customer credit card numbers were then stolen for the purpose of making millions of dollars in donations to various leftwing organizations. In early February, ProtestWarrior discovered the illegal breach and the identity of the criminals responsible.
Using the hacker recruiting ground www.hackthissite.org, Jeremy Hammond put together and led a team of politically motivated "hacktivists" to probe the ProtestWarrior server for months until an exploit was found. When an obscure vulnerability was discovered in the PW server's newsletter subscription code, they managed to upload malicious files that gave them the ability to execute commands on the server.
Upon discovering the hack, we immediately began collecting information on the breach and managed to penetrate Jeremy's inner circle. We then collected evidence that more than 5,000 credit card numbers had been stolen by Jeremy and the "Internet Liberation Front" and that they were planning on doing the following:
*charge hundreds of dollars per stolen credit card number as donations to various left-wing organizations by using an automated donation submission script
*send the entire ProtestWarrior HQ database (complete with usernames, passwords, and operation details) to left-wing groups hostile to ProtestWarrior (including the entire contents of our mail server)
*upload all credit card numbers and other sensitive customer information to hundreds of anarchist and left-wing sites (specifically Indymedia) as a downloadable zip file
*anonymously send press releases and material to thousands of media contacts to boast of the malicious hack and the millions of dollars defrauded, and to publish any and all sensitive information regarding the ProtestWarrior organization
*erase the entire PW server
*launch simultaneous attacks on other conservative sites
Upon discovering their plans, we contacted the FBI and the Secret Service, who immediately began investigating the case. We were able to provide them with a tremendous amount of evidence regarding the breach, the criminals responsible, and their plans to commit massive credit card fraud. We also reported the incident to all credit card companies involved to make sure that ProtestWarrior's customers were protected. With our help, the FBI was able to thwart Jeremy and his army of "hacktivists".
After contacting the FBI, we immediately hired a security consultant and removed all sensitive information from the server. We eventually moved the server to a new box, where we blocked off the system and data files from the web server and changed the online store software to a super-secure system that stores zero sensitive customer information. In addition, we hired an internet security firm to run a series of vigorous vulnerability tests on our server, which our server all passed.
The reason we haven't made this announcement earlier is that our customers were already protected and we didn't want to jeopardize the ongoing FBI investigation of Jeremy and his "hacktivist" army.
The reason we're posting this now is that Jeremy, in a desperate move, is publicly appealing to the internet community regarding his pending FBI investigation. Using his site www.freejeremy.com, he is trying to solicit donations for his defense fund and generate public sympathy while spreading slanderous disinformation regarding ProtestWarrior and the events leading up to the FBI investigation.
We will soon be releasing much more information and details regarding the incident and the ongoing FBI investigation. Rest assured, justice will be served.
-Kfir and Alan http://www.protestwarrior.com
"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." -Ayn Rand
O'Connor retiring from SCOTUS
Various news agencies are reporting that Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has announced her retirement from the Supreme Court. My prediction:
- Bush will once again disappoint conservatives by nominating a moderate.
- The Dems in Congress will filibuster their little hearts out until 2008.
Either way, the chances of getting a real conservative - one who will use the Constitution as the basis of rulings, rather than international law - on the bench is negligible.

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