Friday, March 04, 2005

Back to School

Finally, after much procrastination, I have decided to go back to school. There are several reasons that affected my decision. Firstly, being told I wasn’t qualified to do a job simply because I was lacking a degree – despite the fact that I knew more than the entire IT department of the company at which I am applying for a position. Another reason is the fact that my Veteran’s benefits would be expiring soon, so I figured now would be a good time to use those benefits before I lost them forever.

The decision to go back to school was out of a motivation for self-improvement. One needs a degree in order to get a better paying job, especially in my chosen field of expertise. It seems more people are focused on the worth of a piece of paper than they are on actual knowledge – thus the decision to return to school. Thirdly, I happen to actually enjoy learning new things. The choice to return to school, I feel, is a good one for me.

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