Thursday, March 03, 2005

Bring 'em on.

Hat tip to the lovely and talented Michelle Malkin.

Those of us who opposed the assault on the First Amendment known as The McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act (hereafter called "CFR") saw this little travesty coming from a mile away. The Federal Election Commission is considering extending the CFR to include politically-oriented blogs that may link to a candidate's campaign website. Such an act takes the CFR's assault on the First Amendment to an entirely new level.

As Mrs. Malkin states on her own blog, this is something that ahould be of concern to every memeber of the Blogosphere, regardless of political party affiliation or ideology.

To ths asshats considering this abomination, I have only this to say: You can have my keyboard when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

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