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Darth ApathyI don't care 8517 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes and 50 seconds ago. Post this message on your website! |
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006Monday, March 13, 2006Battlestar Blogging
Timothy Sandefur over at Positive Liberty has an excellent exposition about the BSG season 2 finale.
Friday, March 10, 2006Wednesday, March 08, 2006AZ governor orders troops to the border
About damned time.
Ariz. Governor Orders Troops to Border Monday, March 06, 2006Rachel Corrie Memorial Pancake Breakfast
No, this isn't a joke. Nor is it a conservative-sponsored event. The left is celebrating Corrie's martyrdom by having a "pancake breakfast".
Sometimes, the jokes just write themselves. From Indymedia: The Rachel Corrie Memorial Committee of Victoria Invites you to a pancake breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant Sunday March 12 , 2006 10 am. Sunday, March 05, 2006Update on Star
For the last week or so, Star has been steadily getting worse. She was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, and hasn’t made any improvement.
My sister-in-law, Tammy has been married to my brother for almost 6 years now, and has been taking care of Star every day since we got her moved to Abilene at the end of September. Since Star was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, she’s been getting more confused and forgetful as the days go by. Today, Star didn’t recognize Tammy at all. She barely remembered Mike, who has been her boyfriend for more than three years now. With my background in the medical field, I can immediately identify two things that could be wrong with Star, nether of which is pleasant. The first is a CVA, or stroke. The second, and the worst, is that the cancer has finally moved up into her brain. Both of these have been major concerns, especially since a tumor was found on the spinal cord in her neck. I think we might be coming up on the end of this ordeal very soon. In a way, I’ll be glad when it’s over; Star’s long suffering will finally be done. But then, who knows; she’s already proven me wrong about this twice. Friday, March 03, 2006Gun rights leader needs your help
I got this in an email from Nicki.
Folks, most of you know how decent, passionate, intelligent and dynamic Angel Shamaya is. He has committed himself to freedom, and I know of few people who are as dedicated to the cause of freedom as Angel. He is also a personal friend to many of us, and now he needs our help. Thursday, March 02, 2006What are our children learning?
Yesterday, I posted about the horrendous lack of knowledge American citizens have about the most fundamental rights as enumerated in and protected by the US Constitution. This, of course, begs the question of "what exactly is being taught in our schools?"
Michelle Malkin has at least part of the answer. Here's the audio. Wednesday, March 01, 2006Iraq is just like Vietnam
I know what you're thinking, but it's true. After all, let's look at the similarity:
Dead soldier's home vandalized Malkin comes out swinging
Michelle Malkin lays it all on the line in her latest post, entitled We Are All Bigots Now. For the last week or so, Ms. Malkin has been at the forefront of the charge to get the Bush administration to reconsider its sale of US ports to a company based out of the United Arab Emirates.
I've remained silent on this issue because there isn't enough information to properly form an opinion on the matter. However, as Ms. Malkiin states in her article, the race card is being played against those who are criticizing the deal. For many years, I've had the belief that whomever plays the race card (or sex card, or religion card, etc.) first loses the arguement. Playing the race card against the critics of the port deal, the administration has pushed me closer to wondering exactly what they are trying to hide with this proposed deal. From her Article: Now, all the proselytizers who tell us to collect the dots and connect the dots want us to throw them all away lest we give offense? I couldn't have said it better, myself. People are stupid
Yes, I said it. And, yes, I meant it.
In popular American culture, the moron is upheld as an example to which people should aspire. In fact, an entire section of American culture is emphatically dedicated to the glorification of the idiot. Case in point, A large portion of Americans know more about The Simpsons than they do the First Amendment. The study by the new McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum found that 22 percent of Americans could name all five Simpson family members, compared with just one in 1,000 people who could name all five First Amendment freedoms. I find it utterly appaling to see that people know more about an imaginary family than they do the basic freedoms upon which America was founded. This is also a gross indictment of our public education system, which is allegedly charged with ensuring our young have at least a basic knowledge of our rights and responsibilities in our society. Appalling though this situation may be, I can't honestly say I'm surprised. This is something I've seen coming for some time now. Unfortunately, as it stands now, it looks as though it's only going to get worse. |
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