Monday, May 16, 2005

Is the Fourth Estate a Fifth Column?

Michelle Malkin is all over Newsweek's blatantly fraudulent LooGate story.

Newsweek isn't fit to line my birdcage - if I had a birdcage.

And it's not just Newsweek. SeeBS and RatherGate. Jayson Blair. Diana Griego Erwin. Stephen Glass. Newsweek's Michael Isikoff and John Barry are just the latest in the disturbing trend of MSM "storymakers" getting caught with their dicks in their hands.

With all of these "reporters" now being exposed as frauds, we now have to ask this: how long have we been lied to by the press? What other as yet undiscovered lies, distortions, and half-truths have been perpetrated by the media? How long has the media gotten away with obfuscating the truth in order to fit its agenda? I doubt we'll ever know the answer to these questions.

Right now, though, the important question is this: has the Fourth Estate become a Fifth Column?

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