I Weep For Humanity, Part Deux
Enjoy your Darwin Award, dumbass.
Kent (WA) Man Killed By Exploding Lava Lamp
KOMO TV News (Seattle, WA)
KENT - "Philip has been a kid who tinkers with things ever since he was little," a grieving Claudia Quinn told KOMO 4 News Monday night after her son's bizarre and tragic death.
Sunday, 24-year-old Philip Quinn was tinkering with a lava lamp at his home in Kent. His girlfriend and his parents became worried when they couldn't find him and couldn't get him to answer his phone.
Claudia and Bill Quinn drove from their home in Auburn to check on their youngest son. They thought maybe he'd just overslept. They were devastated by what they found.
"I looked around the corner and saw his body slumped there in the corner and just couldn't believe what I saw," said Quinn's father.
"There was glass from the kitchen clear to the living room," his mom told us. "They said it appeared that a piece of glass punctured his heart."
Philip, in a fatal act of experimentation, had placed a lava lamp on the kitchen stove. When used properly and heated only by a small lightbulb, 40 watts in most cases, a lava lamp is essentially harmless: a mix of wax or oil and water sealed in a glass bottle with a small air space at the top of the bottle to allow for the liquid to expand under heat.
"It wasn't bubbling fast enough for him," his mom guesses. "Because when we walked in the stove was on at the lowest setting."
Even at the lowest setting the amount of heat was too much. As Philip watched the lava lamp on his stove the pressure began to build too much and too fast until it essentially exploded like a grenade, showering him with glass and sending a large shard deep into his chest.
He was found just a few feet away from the stove. He bled to death and never had a chance to call for help. The King County Medical Examiner has ruled the death accidental.
Police found no evidence of drug or alcohol use.
Philip Quinn leaves behind a 15-month old daughter. He was also the youngest of three brothers. Funeral services are planned for this Saturday.
RIP: Personal Responsibility
So now we have an idiot woman suing American Express because they let her use their credit card?
Is it too late for someone to stop this planet? I want to get off and find some world where people are less stupid.
Fake Saudi princess-model countersues American Express
Thursday November 25, 2004
NEW YORK (AP) It's not my fault. I'm mentally ill. That's the argument a woman is using to sue American Express for two (M) million dollars after she ran up nearly one (M) million dollar in charges and couldn't pay the bill.
Prosecutors say the woman - 40-year-old Antoinette Millard - posed as a Saudi princess to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. She is now suing America Express saying she was mentally incompetent when she opened her account and the company should have known it.
The woman is free on 100-thousand dollars bail and awaiting trial on attempted grand larceny charges. Besides the phony princess the woman is also accused of posing as a Victoria's Secret model, which she was not.
Millard's lawsuit says American Express gave her a prestigious Centurion ``Black'' card at a time when she was suffering from anorexia, depression, panic attacks, head tumors and by reason of such illnesses was mentally incompetent. The card is for people who charge more than 150-thousand dollars a year, and carries a 25-hundred dollar annual fee. Her lawsuit says American Express should have known that Millard was acting impulsively and irrationally at the time she accepted the card.
She also is charged with grand larceny for allegedly trying to steal 262-thousand dollars from an insurance company by falsely reporting that her jewelry had been stolen. The Manhattan district attorney's office says Millard was arrested in May at her Manhattan home, had in fact sold the jewelry and then tried to collect insurance on it. She is charged with insurance fraud, attempted grand larceny and possession of a forged instrument.
Millard faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the insurance fraud charge, the top count.
It's that time again.
Yes, boys and girls; it’s that time again.
It’s the time of the year when people start offering massive sacrifices to their gods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and many others. The legions of cattle move forward to buy their screeching hellions everything they don’t deserve or haven’t earned. The cries of “I want! I want! I want!” and “gimmegimmegimme” echo through the halls of sacred American temples like Macy’s, FAO Schwartz, and other bastions of American commercialism and consumerism.
It’s the time of the year for faux cheer, when people try to pretend that they’re filled with love for everyone they know – including those they absolutely despise throughout the rest of the year. It’s time to suck up to that old bat, Aunt Martha – you know, that bitter old wench who used to hurl obscenities and bricks at her family – and senile old Uncle Joe, who will soak his dentures in the gravy before the rest of the family arrives.
And it’s time for the carolers to clog up the streets singing the same old tired ass songs that make your teeth itch when you hear them. Bing Crosby gets brought back from the grave to sing “Winter Wonderland” once again. And again. And again. And again. And again, ad nauseam. Rudolph and Frosty make their annual appearance from the attics in which they usually reside so they can clutter up yard in even more tacky ass displays that are even less thought-out than Houston’s rail system.
Yes, boys and girls; it’s Christmas time.
Who says they're not freedom-hating?
I'll be sure to remember this the next time some liberal complains about being labeled "freedom-hating" and "anti-American."
Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif School
Wed Nov 24, 2004 04:12 PM ET
By Dan Whitcomb
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A California teacher has been barred by his school from giving students documents from American history that refer to God -- including the Declaration of Independence.
Steven Williams, a fifth-grade teacher at Stevens Creek School in the San Francisco Bay area suburb of Cupertino, sued for discrimination on Monday, claiming he had been singled out for censorship by principal Patricia Vidmar because he is a Christian.
"It's a fact of American history that our founders were religious men, and to hide this fact from young fifth-graders in the name of political correctness is outrageous and shameful," said Williams' attorney, Terry Thompson.
"Williams wants to teach his students the true history of our country," he said. "There is nothing in the Establishment Clause (of the U.S. Constitution) that prohibits a teacher from showing students the Declaration of Independence."
Vidmar could not be reached for comment on the lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in U.S. District Court in San Jose and claims violations of Williams rights to free speech under the First Amendment.
Phyllis Vogel, assistant superintendent for Cupertino Unified School District, said the lawsuit had been forwarded to a staff attorney. She declined to comment further.
Williams asserts in the lawsuit that since May he has been required to submit all of his lesson plans and supplemental handouts to Vidmar for approval, and that the principal will not permit him to use any that contain references to God or Christianity.
Among the materials she has rejected, according to Williams, are excerpts from the Declaration of Independence, George Washington's journal, John Adams' diary, Samuel Adams' "The Rights of the Colonists" and William Penn's "The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania."
"He hands out a lot of material and perhaps 5 to 10 percent refers to God and Christianity because that's what the founders wrote," said Thompson, a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund, which advocates for religious freedom. "The principal seems to be systematically censoring material that refers to Christianity and it is pure discrimination."
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case of a California atheist who wanted the words "under God" struck from the Pledge of Allegiance as recited by school children. The appeals court in California had found that the phrase amounted to a violation of church and state separation.
Thanksgiving joke
An old man in Phoenix calls his son in New York and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing -- 45 years of misery is enough."
"Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams.
"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the old man says. "We're sick and tired of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her." And he hangs up.
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone, "Like heck they're getting a divorce!" she shouts. "I'll take care of this."
She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at the old man, "You are not getting divorced! Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then don't do a thing, Do you hear me?" and she hangs up.
The old man hangs up the phone and turns to his wife. "OK," he says, "They're both coming for Thanksgiving and they're paying their own way!
Goodbye, Dan
ABC and Fox News are reporting that Dan Rather is leaving SeeBS.
SeeBS probably asked him to retire so that he can end his career with some modicum of dignity. And, by "dignity," I really mean "utter disgrace."
Someone buy them a beer
Dolphins defend swimmers from shark
From correspondents in Whangarei, New Zealand
November 23, 2004
A GROUP of swimmers has told how a pod of dolphins protected them from a great white shark off the north-eastern coast of New Zealand.
Flipper ... the aquatic mammal star of the TV series would have been pround of the dolphins' heroic actions in New Zealand.
Rob Howes and three other lifeguards were on a training swim about 100m offshore at Ocean Beach near Whangarei when the dolphins raced in and herded the group together.
"They started to herd us up, they pushed all four of us together by doing tight circles around us," Mr Howes said.
When he tried to drift away from the group, two of the bigger dolphins herded him back.
He then saw why. A 3m great white shark was cruising toward the group about two metres below the surface.
"I just recoiled. It was only about two metres away from me, the water was crystal clear and it was as clear as the nose on my face," he said, adding he then realised the dolphins had moved in to protect the swimmers.
The group were surrounded by the dolphins for 40 minutes before they were able to reach the shore.
Another lifeguard, Matt Fleet, was patrolling nearby in a rescue boat when he saw the dolphins' unusual behaviour.
When he dived out of the boat to join the group he also saw the great white.
Fleet said he was keen to get out of the water after the sighting, but didn't panic.
"I just kept looking around to see where it was."
The incident happened about three weeks ago, but Mr Howes and Mr Fleet said they had kept the story to themselves until they had a chance to catch up and confirm what they had seen.
Auckland University marine mammal research scientist Doctor Rochelle Constantine said dolphins were normally vigilant in the presence of sharks.
Kofi Annan facing no-confidence vote
It looks like people are finally starting to see Kofi Annan as the incompetent criminal that he is.
UN staff ready historic no-confidence vote in Annan
Fri Nov 19, 6:50 AM ET World - AFP
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN employees are expected to issue an unprecedented vote of no confidence in Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites), union sources say, after he pardoned the body's top oversight official over a series of allegations.
The UN staff union, in what officials said was the first vote of its kind in the more than 50-year history of the United Nations (news - web sites), was set to approve a resolution withdrawing support for the embattled Annan and senior UN management.
Annan has been in the line of fire over a high-profile series of scandals including controversy about a UN aid programme that investigators say allowed deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) to embezzle billions of dollars.
Read the rest here
I weep for humanity
Hat tip to Vultrue's Row.
The question I have to ask regarding this article is this: exactly what did this retard expect to travel down railroad tracks?
Caution: Do Not Walk on Tracks
A Pennsylvania woman who was struck by a train has sued the rail company — for failing to warn her that trains travel on railroad tracks.
Patricia M. Frankhouser filed suit on Nov. 4 seeking damages in excess of $30,000 from Norfolk Southern Corp. (search), according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Last January, Frankhouser was hit by a train as she walked along railroad tracks in her hometown of Jeannette, Pa., a southeastern suburb of Pittsburgh.
Amazingly, she came away from the encounter with only a broken finger, some cuts and, according to the lawsuit, "pain."
Apparently, however, the incident was traumatic enough for her to hire a lawyer.
"Defendant's failure to warn plaintiff of the potential dangers negligently provided plaintiff with the belief she was safe in walking near the train tracks," Frankhouser's suit asserts.
It goes on to state that Norfolk Southern, based in Norfolk, Va., should have posted signs warning passersby "of the dangers of walking near train tracks and that the tracks were actively in use."
Nowhere in the filing does it say whether Frankhouser heard the train coming, why she failed to get out of the way or even whether she was walking alongside or in between the rails.
Her attorney did not return the Tribune-Review's call.
Just some numbers
Bush voters: 60,515,255
Total population of France: 59,900,268
About f*cking time!
Goodbye Yassar Arafat. May your 72 virgins be disease-ridden whores.
Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat Dies
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
PARIS — Yasser Arafat (search), who triumphantly forced his people's plight into the world spotlight but failed to achieve his lifelong quest for Palestinian statehood, died Thursday at age 75.
He was to the end a man of many mysteries and paradoxes — terrorist, statesman, autocrat and peacemaker.
Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat (search) confirmed to The Associated Press that Arafat had died. The Palestinian leader spent his final days in a coma at a French military hospital outside Paris.
Tayeb Abdel Rahim (search), a top Arafat aide, confirmed that Arafat died at 4:30 am Paris time. He spoke to reporters at Arafat's headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Arafat's last days were as murky and dramatic as his life. Flown to France on Oct. 29 after nearly three years of being penned in his West Bank headquarters by Israeli tanks, he initially improved but then sharply deteriorated as rumors swirled about his illness.
Top Palestinian officials flew in to check on their leader while Arafat's 41-year-old wife, Suha, publicly accused them of trying to usurp his powers. Ordinary Palestinians prayed for his well being, but expressed deep frustration over his failure to improve their lives.
Arafat's failure to groom a successor complicated his passing, raising the danger of factional conflict among Palestinians.
A visual constant in his checkered keffiyeh headdress, Arafat kept the Palestinians' cause at the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict. But he fell short of creating a Palestinian state, and, along with other secular Arab leaders of his generation, he saw his influence weakened by the rise of radical Islam in recent years.
Revered by his own people, Arafat was reviled by others. He was accused of secretly fomenting attacks on Israelis while proclaiming brotherhood and claiming to have put terrorism aside. Many Israelis felt the paunchy 5-foot, 2-inch (1.57 meters) Palestinian's real goal remained the destruction of the Jewish state.
Arafat became one of the world's most familiar faces after addressing the U.N. General Assembly in New York in 1974, when he entered the chamber wearing a holster and carrying a sprig. "Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun," he said. "Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand."
Two decades later, he shook hand at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on a peace deal that formally recognized Israel's right to exist while granting the Palestinians limited self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The pact led to the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for Arafat, Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.
But the accord quickly unraveled amid mutual suspicions and accusations of treaty violations, and a new round of violence that erupted in the fall of 2000 has killed some 4,000 people, three-quarters of them Palestinian.
The Israeli and U.S. governments said Arafat deserved much of the blame for the derailing of the peace process. Even many of his own people began whispering against Arafat, expressing disgruntlement over corruption, lawlessness and a bad economy in the Palestinian areas.
A resilient survivor of war with Israel, assassination attempts and even a plane crash, Arafat was born Rahman Abdel-Raouf Arafat Al-Qudwa on Aug. 4, 1929, the fifth of seven children of a Palestinian merchant killed in the 1948 war over Israel's creation. There is disagreement whether he was born in Gaza or in Cairo, Egypt.
Educated as an engineer in Egypt, Arafat served in the Egyptian army and then started a contracting firm in Kuwait. It was there that he founded the Fatah movement, which became the core of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
After the Arabs' humbling defeat by Israel in the six-day war of 1967, the PLO thrust itself on the world's front pages by sending its gunmen out to hijack airplanes, machine gun airports and seize Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
"As long as the world saw Palestinians as no more than refugees standing in line for U.N. rations, it was not likely to respect them. Now that the Palestinians carry rifles the situation has changed," Arafat explained.
And now for something different
1. Stop talking about politics for a moment or two. 2. Post a picture of something pleasant, such as an adorable kitten, or a fluffy white cloud, or a bottle of booze. Something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS. 3. Include these instructions, and share the love An adorable kitten: A fluffy white cloud: And a bottle of booze (ok, so it isn't exactly a "bottle"):
The Soldier's President
Long, but worth it.
George W. Bush: The Soldier's President
By Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu
November 5, 2004
Since we have a lot of talk floating around about "supporting the troops," it’s interesting to ask the reciprocal question: Whom do the troops support? On the morning of Wednesday November 3, 2004 American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in the field answered that question resoundingly: George W. Bush. Marines actually engaged in combat operations around Fallujah, Iraq were cheering, laughing and exchanging high-fives over the president’s re-election victory.
From an outsider’s point of view this might seem odd. After all, Senator John F. Kerry ran as a war hero, a decorated veteran, and a man who pledged to "bring the troops back home where they belong." Throughout the campaign – indeed unceasingly since the 2000 campaign – Bush has been excoriated by the mainstream media as a draft-evader who hid in the National Guard, who was even absent without permission from that service (which they belittle). He was the son of an influence-peddling father who pulled strings to evade combat. He was a "chickenhawk" who dared to risk others’ lives (Bush lies; soldiers die) while avoiding risk of his own. With such a dismal, dare we say cowardly record how could it be possible that American service personnel support this guy?
John Kerry by contrast waved his medals, including his Purple Hearts around like a certain "civil rights" leader’s bloody shirt. He saluted (in an embarrassingly lame manner) to his primarily antiwar Democrat constituency as a convention kick-off then ran a Steven Spielberg-assisted editing job of a grainy black and white film that he had shot of himself during the Vietnam War engaging in heroic activities. He appeared at innumerable campaign sites in a leather bomber jacket and made certain that his advance people had sufficient number of American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars supporters in appropriate regalia seated in back of him during an appearance so that they would be highly visible in any camera angle.
Without question Candidate Kerry "talked the talk" about military experience, compassion for soldiers, and concern for their well-being. He spoke about bumping personnel levels and awarding pay raises and improving housing and all of the things that an outsider would automatically assume mattered to the troops and their families. But despite all of this he failed to pass the military smell test.
Unlike his global test, where the bar seems so high that it can never be met, the military smell test is rather basic. Many make the cut. All it takes to pass is truth, honesty, and moral/physical courage. No single group of people can see through a phony as rapidly and unerringly as the military. Attempts to fool them are always unveiled and mercilessly derided. Real soldiers know that approbation from peers – comrades in arms who shared the sacrifice equally – counts for more than medals and awards.
To Kerry’s chagrin he was never able – despite gargantuan efforts – to convince soldiers that he was one of them. From the start he made the egregious error that distinguishes the real from the pretend: the flaunted his valor awards and wounds. Unfortunately, what looked impressive from a distance wilted under close scrutiny: the inflated valor awards, the suspect Purple Hearts, manipulating the "three Purple Heart" rule to leave the war early, and worst of all abandoning his crew to the war from which he fled. The final blow was the appearance of peers – the Swift Boat Veterans and former POWs – who challenged his record and punctured his self-inflated balloon.
Rather than see Bush as a chickenhawk, the line that the Kerry people tried to sell, the military saw Kerry as "chickenshit," a term that in military jargon is about as nasty and degrading as it gets. Late historian Steve Ambrose documents the use of the term in his bestseller, Band of Brothers: someone who "generates maximum anxiety over matters of minimum significance." They watched Kerry posture and pontificate and contrasted his manner with that of Bush who projected sincerity, conviction, and moral clarity. It was no contest.
Most of the time the American military is apolitical. Service members have strongly held opinions and ideas but place the office over the man. You may think the colonel is a jerk but you salute the uniform, the rank, not the individual. That is the military way. On rare the military "adopts" a leader – a president, general, or sports figure – and idolizes that person. Always it is a mutual affection society. The late Bob Hope and Martha Raye were two Hollywood stars that were unquestioningly loved by the troops. General Omar Bradley was considered the "soldier’s general." And George W. Bush is quite simply the "soldier’s president."
These things are not planned; they just happen. But that confluence of mutual respect and affection is a bond more strongly held than most friendships. The loyalty of America's military to their commander-in-chief is something wonderful to behold because of the genuine, unaffected nature of the respect from all parties. It is an amazing morale boost for the troops that will help them through the tough times ahead. And President Bush would say the same thing from his perspective: knowing how the troops feel about him has to be a solace while occupying the most stressful leadership position in the world.
For Americans this fortunate happenstance is a unifying element that we ought to embrace with pride and comfort. We will need such unity of purpose in the difficult days ahead of us as we fight this brutal war to victory.
I am not a violent person, but...
I wish I could spend a few hours alone with the scumbag who would do something like this. Just a few hours, that's all. Just me, this scumbag, a chair, some rope, and a ball-peen hammer.
And now for something completely different
The flying lawnmower. The site is in another language, but you won't need to read it to watch the video.
Of State and Marriage
I was recently asked my opinion about the issue of same-sex marriages and if I feel any kind of compromise can be made. I guess it's time for me to come clean on my stance. I believe that the State has absolutely no place in religion (or religious ceremonies such as marriage) just like religion has absolutely no place in government. No more state-issued marriage licenses or "marriage fees." No more tax breaks for married couples or children - why should the State have to subsidize your breeding factory or push the burden caused by your tax breaks onto those of us who do not or cannot get married? If you want to get married, go get your preacher to rattle his chicken bones over you while speaking in tongues, pronounce you "butch" and "bitch," and leave the rest of us out of it. Similarly, divorces should go through the church instead of our already over-stressed court system. If your church wants to endose same-sex unions, that's between them, their congregation, and their god. If they don't want to endorse same-sex unions, again, that's between them, their congregation, and their god. There is absolutely no reason for the State to be involved in any part of personal unions.
Good luck, Mrs. Edwards
While I wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery, I hope your husband learns something about the damage he's done to our healthcare system.
Elizabeth Edwards Has Breast Cancer
By RON FOURNIER and RANDOLPH SCHMID, Associated Press Writers
WASHINGTON - Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards (news - web sites), was diagnosed with breast cancer the day her husband and Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) conceded the presidential race.
Spokesman David Ginsberg said Mrs. Edwards, 55, discovered a lump in her right breast while on a campaign trip last week. Her family doctor told her Friday that it appeared to be cancerous and advised her to see a specialist when she could.
She put off the appointment until Wednesday so as to not miss campaign time. Mrs. Edwards had a needle biopsy performed at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where Dr. Barbara Smith confirmed the cancer, Ginsberg said.
He said the cancer was diagnosed as invasive ductal cancer. That is the most common type of breast cancer, and can spread from the milk ducts to other parts of the breast or beyond.
More tests were being done to determine how far the cancer has advanced and how to treat it, he said.
Ginsberg said spirits are high at the Edwards household. "Everybody feels good about it, that this is beatable," he said.
Edwards, who leaves his North Carolina Senate seat in January, said in a statement, "Elizabeth is as strong a person as I've ever known. Together, our family will beat this."
Nope. No bias at all
Check this out. This is a screen capture I made from Netscape's website as evidenced by the URL in the picture. When you right-click the picture of George and Laura Bush and select Properties, you can see the name that they have so lovingly given the file.
Nope. Absolutely no evidence of media bias at all, right?
And in wierd news today
Man forgets the reason why Romans used to keep lions around.
Man Survives Jump Into Lion's Den
46-Year-Old Reportedly Trying To Convert Lions To Christianity
POSTED: 3:27 pm EST November 3, 2004
UPDATED: 4:59 pm EST November 3, 2004
A man was attacked and injured after jumping into a lion's den at the Taipei Zoo and trying to convert the lions to Christianity.
The 46-year-old man leaped into the den of African lions and shouted "Jesus will save you," according to the report. He also said, "Come bite me" before one of the male lions attacked and bit the man.
Video showed the lion ripping a jacket off the man at the zoo in Taiwan's capital, clawing him and then biting the man in the leg.
Zoo workers were able to drive off the lion with water hoses and tranquilizer guns.
The lions were fed earlier in the day otherwise the man might have been more seriously injured or killed.
Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
Copyright 2004 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and Local6.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
It's over.
Kerry's out. Dachle's out. Michael Moore fled Florida with his tail between his legs.
Now if we can just put a real fiscal conservative in the White House....
So far, so good.
OH gives Bush 20EVs and AK gives him 3. That puts him at 269. NM will give him 5 more for a total of 274.
Someone tell the Fat Lady she's on in five.
James Carville was just on CNN saying that OH is a lost cause for the Dems. A Bush win in OH, would practically give the presidency to Bush.
Down to the wire
Polls are closing on the East Coast, and numbers are starting to come in. Now, we sit and we wait, hoping that this year is not a repeat of the 2000 election fiasco. George Bush, John Kerry, and John Kerry's 10,000 lawyers are probably sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting to find out if Kerry will have to mobilize his legal army in yet another Democratic attempt to steal an election though the court system.
More proof that God hates the World
Doctors Say Arafat Improving, Rule Out Leukemia
1 hour, 56 minutes ago World - Reuters
By Matthew Bigg
CLAMART, France (Reuters) - French doctors said on Tuesday Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) was responding to treatment and ruled out leukemia, though aides said the Palestinian leader could remain in a French military hospital for several more weeks.
Read the rest here.

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